Chest of Colors used to be a team of Polish painters who are gathered around this website and are involved in running it. It was founded by Mahon and Ana, who invited several friends to the group. Demi_morgana and DiaCon were the first painters invited to the Chest of Colors group. Later others followed and so the group grew in numbers.
Members of Chest of Colors can be considered the hosts or the staff at this website, and are active members of miniature painting community.
Later we reorganized the group, allowing people from any country to join, and redefined the group’s purpose. Now the Chest of Colors team is the group of people who run the website, work for its popularity and improvement. To describe it in a different way, the members of Chest of Colors are the authors here. Some of them are also accept commissions, but it’s only in addition to being active authors of this website.
This being said, the Chest of Colors team can be considered the hosts or the staff at this website and are some of the most active members of our miniature painting community.
Members of the Chest of Colors team
Let’s take a look at the current members of the team:
Ana is one of the founders of this website, winner of many awards, and currently an active artist, mentor and judge.
Promotes and teaches airbrushing.
While orks and harlequins are close to his heart, he is an autor of multiple paintjobs for Kromlech and OnePageRules. Efficient both in painting armies and showcase pieces.

Kacpero used to be a member of our team before, but serious everyday matters made him suspend his Chest of Colors activity.
Fortunately now he’s ready to strike back!
Newest member of the team but not new to miniature painting. You may recognize him for his attention to details and painting faces.
The founder and coordinator of this team. Sacrificed his painting time to focus more on 3d printing, modeling and photography. Not to mention communication with our customers.
Although she is posing with the Alien in the photo, her interests are much broader. Popular choice for colorful paintjobs, or… furry animals.
Read more about Marta
Rejven has got you covered! 🙂
Efficient like a well-oiled machine, combines his analytic approach to arts with his highly productive nature. Active organizer of painting meetings in Warsaw.
Read more about Sadziu
If it’s dark, warped, sinister and… eldritch… you can pretty safely assume it came from Thymos.Theos. Raybox or OnePageRules official paintjobs? Likely they were done by the man!
Tosuto is both an active musician and miniature painter. Japanese stuff or Infinity miniatures are his thing.
Read more about Tosuto
If you want large armies painted, he’s your choice. Don’t ask him for too much artistic feel, just tell what you want done and get it!
Read more about Vaeroun
The Honor Guard
Over the years of our activity there have been many people who came to join our team, and many who had to leave. Some of them made such a huge impact on our history and community, that we would like to keep them included here, even though they are not active Chest of Colors members anymore.
Meet the Honor Guard, veterans of the hobby and formerly very active members of the team:
If there’s something to build or convert, Calamity is the man for the task! Not surprisingly, as he developed a certain skill set in his wargaming years!
Games Workshop had its red period, JerzyK had his blue. 😉
Currently one of our most prolific painters with a very distinctive style.
Our friend in the land of Teutonic Knights. 😉
His sentiment for strange and unpopular miniatures is second only to Mahon’s. This is reflected by the collection of miniatures in his gallery. Very active participant of the hobby events and competitions, and author of the Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange!
The man behind the Miniature of the Month and Tale of Gamers events.
Relatively new to the hobby but very involved team member, who can be met at many miniature painting contests.

Called “perpetuum mobile” for his ability to respond to his own post and discuss without any input from others. 😉 His current fascination is John Blanche’s style painting, which is the inspiration for Slawol’s dark and weathered paintjobs.