Miniature of the month: February 2012

February is short and that is why there are a bit less entries than in January. But did the miniature painting quality drop? I don’t think so. Just see how many different entries we’ve got. It keeps me wondering how some painters manage to paint so beautiful minis, that they could be winning each month! It has to be just pure talent. That is also why you are now allowed to give 3 votes for different miniatures. It shouldn’t be a problem now to vote, or what do you think?

What about my entry? Well… shame on me that I didn’t finish anything during whole month. Next month I will try to do better.

Authors say

What people had to say about their works:

“Here is my new miniature. Im not really content of this mini, sculpt was bad and had a lot of air bubbles and other things which made painting this miserable. Only dress was nice in work. So I’m happy I can make other miniatures now.”
— Flameon

“Thanks to Nameless’ opinion I added more contrast on it – light is sharper now. The minis were chosen by the customer and Mahon, I added a little conversion: The ogre has resculpted waist and neck. On the back I took off the standards, and added them to the base and cannon. On the back I put a weapon (probably from Rackcham). I found and added two Forsaken or Chaos Spawns (the choice is yours). These two minis are from Heresy.”
— Ana

“I painted this model for Bytom 2012 show, I thought it would be weird to go there without any historical model. It’s Roman Cavalry Officer from Latorre Models, 54mm scale. based on a character from Gladiator film, so I call him Spanyard instead. New company for my showcase, historical genre, bigger scale – I still follow my plans (new manufacturers, variety) for 2012!”
— Nameless

Now on to the gallery:

Miniatures of the month February

Rules have changed!

You are surely familiar with the rules of Miniature of the month now, aren’t you? But to make the event more enjoyable for you. So what’s the change?

Now everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. Cool, isn’t it? We found it will add an additional layer to the whole fun. This also means there will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:

Voting has ended

The poll is open until the end of March. The results will be pu

blished after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

And if you want to comment on this month’s entries, explain why you voted the way you did, or maybe discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thank you!


UPDATE: The winner of this month’s poll is Reynevan, with honorable mentions going to Ańa and P1per. Congratulations!

Miniature of the month: January 2012

Another month, another mini… nope it doesn’t work that way! Every painter here at Chest of Colors produces something unique. Some of those miniatures are painted for own collections, some are for e-bay or commissioned by private collectors, but still every painter tries to give his/her best. Each month I will try to use the Miniature of the Month to give you a preview of what did we create and posted at our forum. So it is easier for all Chest of Colors followers to see what is happening at our site and forum.

There were many interesting pieces with different styles, manufacturers and interesting compositions. Many works are done for Miniature Exchange we had recently, so if you like them join our forum and maybe next time you will be the lucky one to get something nice and make something special!

Miniatures of the month January

Here’s the compilation of all the entries:

Authors say…

Here is what some of the authors had to say about their works:

“This is from Red Box games. I wanted him to look like a low level Skyrim dude. Man that game has made me a crappy father! I haven’t been around much because that game is pretty damn awesome”
— ScottRadom

“Here is my 1st large-scale diorama. All my previous works are much smaller. Main theme is Guild Wars Warrior VS Alpha Tundra Wolf. I had to make it in 7 days. So here is result.”
— Spellscape

“A fast at ‘the table but a little better’ painting of infinity miniature – yes, this base is with model. End it is mounted to it in an awkward way .. beside it is ‘pewter’ so is damn heavy… Anyway I actually like the model, but don’t like preparation process it requires”
— Maru

Time to vote

Do you remember the rules of Miniature of the month? They’re quite simple, but if you want to refresh your memory before voting, feel free to follow the link. Now you should be ready to vote:

Voting has ended.

The poll is open until the end of February. The results will be published after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum.

And if you want to comment on this month’s entries, explain why you voted the way you did, or maybe discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thank you!


UPDATE: The winner of this month’s poll is Ana. Congratulations!

Miniature of the month: December 2011

Blame it on our a.k.a. czlowiek.morze! It was his idea to start this whole Miniature of the Month event and to make it a monthly regular attraction for our miniature painting community. But it would be unfair to pretend we don’t enjoy it…

Now we’re stepping out and inviting you to join the fun!
But let me explain to you what the whole thing is all about…

How it all started

It was in August 2011 that czlowiek.morze proposed a nice pastime for our miniature painting forum members: He would collect all the new paintjobs presented on the forum by its members during the previous month, and we would vote for one of them.

We collect all the new paintjobs presented on the forum by its members during the previous month and vote for the favorite one.

Initially we played with the idea of choosing our favorite miniature of all, including the ones we found elsewhere, like on CoolMiniOrNot or other internet galleries or forums, but eventually we decided to limit it to the works created and posted by our forum members. Also it was them who was allowed to vote for their favorite. Of course comments would be encouraged, because they would explain why one chose a particular miniature.

The first edition featured miniatures posted in July, and then we kept voting for the next few months. We were very curious how different results would be achieved if voting was open to public. We knew they would be different, and so we wanted to see the difference. This is how we reached the point where we are now:

After tinkering with technical issues, we’re ready for the first public voting for the Miniature of the Month here! Why don’t you join the fun and post your vote and comment? 🙂

Miniature of the Month – rules

As you can see, the rules are very few:

You can only vote for one miniature. Choose the one which deserves to be the miniature of the month in your opinion. You can choose one of the miniatures collected by the coordinator, He collects the miniatures posted by the members of our miniature painting community on our forum and creates a list of candidates to the title. In case there is more than one work from the same person, chooses one of them, but if the author prefers to enter a different one – it suffices to contact (czlowiek.morze) on our forum and he will make the adjustment.

We don’t say the voting is for “the best painted miniature of the month” because it doesn’t have to be the best painted one. It just has to be the one that in your opinion deserves the title the most of them all.

Bear in mind we don’t say the voting is for “the best painted miniature of the month” because it doesn’t have to be the best painted one. It just has to be the one that in your opinion deserves the title the most of them all. Maybe because it’s the best paintjob, maybe because the overall effect is so impressive despite some technical shortcomings, maybe because the author did something revolutionary for him, or maybe because the painter made the largest progress of them all during that month.

It’s really up to you, as long as you believe your voting is fair and can explain it. That is why commenting is an important part of the whole fun. Those words of explanation are not only showing the reasons for which you chose that particular model, but often also are a great encouragement and motivation to the author of the model of your choice. So please be so kind to write those few words and explain your choice. It’s not required but always appreciated!

When the voting is over, the winner is announced and receives an award: a honorary badge (or a medal to be more precise) displayed in their profile on our forum. Even if it’s not much, it allows others to see that the person won such a poll already. And well, it’s shiny 😀

UPDATE: Starting with miniature of February 2012 the rules have been changed. Please check the information about the changes to know what changed.

Wanna join?

If you would like to participate to the fullest, why don’t you post your works on our miniature painting forum? The whole event is coordinated by (czlowiek.morze), who will surely notice your works and submit them to the poll for that month. And before your works can be voted for, you can take a look at the miniatures posted to our forum in December.

There were 25 painters who posted new works to the Chest of Colors forum. Here you can see the painted miniatures they posted in December 2011:

If you are a member of our miniature painting community and visit our forum, you may be familiar with most of these painters. You surely have your opinion which miniature deserves the title of the Miniature of the Month for December 2011 the most. And if you don’t, why don’t you spend some time on the forum, getting to know the people there and watching their works. And we hope you’re going to leave your vote in the poll below.

Voting has ended.

We will allow the poll to run a bit longer than we did before, because we are publishing it a bit later, too. We give you two weeks for voting, which means the poll will be closed on February 5th, 2012.

We hope that it’s enough time for you to submit your votes and to leave some comments for our readers and for the authors of entered works. And maybe we will see your works in the poll for January 2012? The next editions will still be coordinated by czlowiek.morze (, so if you have any questions or suggestions regarding our event – feel free to share them on the forum or in the comments below. Thank you!

So it is all for now. Enjoy the pictures and choose wisely. 🙂


UPDATE: The winner for December 2011 is Flameon. Congratulations!