New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012

My has been a month full of new releases in so many domains that it was really hard to choose. When we did our first article for the releases of March-April, there were already lots of minis but this month, it’s even more. Don’t get me wrong, this is great; it just makes it hard to pick some good samples from those domains to try to cover most of the manufacturers. Anyway, enough of “moaning”, let’s see what and I have selected for you guys. Hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂

Hero scale (heroic or sci-fi): Antenociti’s Workshop did those great looking vehicles and must see how well detailed they are.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (1)

Hellspawn: Those vehicles looks nice yeah, they look good and would nicely suit any futuristic army. I stayed simple on my choice for a Sci-Fi release and went for a well known manufacturer, ie Forge World. This month, the version they released of the Terminator is really great imo, I really like those mini Contemptors. 🙂

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (2) Check this great and majestic pirate from Tale of War, he is cool, well sculpted and has lots of character. I really that such sculpts really will make this company more popular. We all like pirates don’t we?

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (3) Bushido is well known for their Far East style miniatures. This ninja looks really cool and very dynamic, or Hellspawn do you recommend something different?

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (4)

Hellspawn: Well, not everyone loves pirates or ninjas hehehe, and my choice this month goes for the re-release of the Forsaker from Kingdom Death. And I must admit that I was weak cause I ordered this guy from Cool Mini or Not already 😛

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (5)

Proxies: Puppet Wars are quite known for going with the flow of Games Workshop releases. Good for us, we have more to choose from. 😀

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (6) Willy Miniatures did some great looking mummies for any fantasy football game. Those mummies look scary and surely will spread terror on the pitch.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (7)

Hellspawn: Those are cool indeed, but look at what our friend Scibor from Scibor Monstrous Miniatures made:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (8)

This dwarf would make a really nice general for a dwarf army, wouldn’t he?

Conversions parts/Accessories: Hasslefree Miniatures did those cool bits, not only they make sculpting easier, but can also be great bits to put on diorama.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (9)

Hellspawn: Those are nice, even to use when you want to convert your army. As for the sculpting part, I really like what Masquerade Miniatures made this month. Check this out:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (10)

They released previously some similar stuff to sculpt wires etc. but now, they keep going with fur. You’re gonna say, “Fur is easy to sculpt” but even if it’s easy, this tool will save you some precious time.

Busts: Yet another month we are getting an interesting bust, this time it is a commissar from Castle Miniatures. You might say that it is a Games Workshop rip-off, but I prefer to call it just an inspiration.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (11) And it’s another month that Knight Models keeps releasing something great. As much as I like bigger scale models, this time I couldn’t find any that I would like to have as much as this Iron Man bust:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (12)

Hellspawn: if you read our article from last month you already know that I’m not the bust type of guy, but I must admit that this version of Iron Man is nice.

Large scale (54mm or above):

Hellspawn: There are so many releases in the scale of 54mm and above that it was hard to choose. But this month my vote goes for this Praetorian Guard from Scale 75

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (13)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (14)

Not only he’s nice, but Scale 75 is providing extras to go with that let you personalize it and it’s a nice move I think because you can either make him a Praetorian Guard or a Gladiator. Really cool uh?

Worst miniature:

Hellspawn: Some time ago BaneBeasts/BaneLegion used to surprise us with lots of awesome releases and incredible paintjobs.This month, though, one of the minis they released is just ugly. Check this out:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (15)

The pose is ugly, and her boobs are sooo oversized that they look like missiles, and what is she leaning on? Invisible wall? This mini is IMO a complete waste of resin.

Though with boobs like that, maybe Maelstrom wanted to have her competing in our next category, the boobs of the month? Too bad she ended in the previous one. 😀

Boobs of the month: Another release from Tale of War, this time it is Ana the Rodrigo and her dog for me it means that company is the biggest winner for this month, with second nomination in this compilation.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (16)

Hellspawn: Well, I’m sorry to tell you but regarding the boobies contest, she’s gonna lose cause the guys from Studio McVey released a lady with serious assets.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (17)

Interesting to come: Great white shark from Yedraho Models looks very interesting. You don’t always have to paint something for an army, and this one could be very relaxing to paint.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (18)

Hellspawn: In the interesting thing to come topic, there is soooo much to say this month that I don’t even know where to start. First of all, I think that we can’t pass on the awesome miniatures that Hawk Wargames will be releasing next month for their game: Dropzone Commander. Those minis will be available next month but they’re already available as preorders.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (19)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (20)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (21)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (22)

The other awesome thing is something from Tabletop-Art. At the RPC Germany festival they showed what they’ll be releasing for conversions of Games Workshop vehicles and I must admit, I’m a big fan. Can’t wait to see those in shops. 🙂

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (23)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (24)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (25)

So this is it

Our selection for this month is now complete.
Don’t forget that this is a hand selection of what we ( and I) think are the best ones, but of course, there are plenty of others and we’ll be happy to discuss those with you on our forum in the manufacturers thread. It has lots of topic from most of the manufacturers. Feel free to pop in and say hi and have a chat with us in there.

— Hellspawn &

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012

Every month there are many new releases from different companies. Those releases go from simple conversion kit (heads, shoulders, legs) to minis of various sizes without forgetting accessories. We decided to have a look on what has been released over March and April, and what you see here is a selection of our favorites.

You’ll find here a compilation of what we think are the most interesting releases of these months. I would like to present you some of those most interesting in my opinion. There is always place for the discussion, so feel free to post your favourites from recent releases.

If you know new company, then tell us about it too, we’re always looking for some news ranges.

We’d like to thank all Chest of Colors members that post information about new miniatures. This article has been written I wrote this article based on their findings posted at the forum.

Of course this list is very personal and shows just two points of view, but we are more than open to talk with you!

Hero scale (heroic or sci-fi):

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (1) this barbarian from Heresy has really something that makes me wanna buy it. For sure you might say that it is just another well sculpted barbarian, but just look at his facial expression…

Hellspawn: Come on!!! This is just another barbarian, nothing new here, pile of muscles, oversized axe like he needs to compensate for something, and an angry face like he hasn’t pooped. Nothing I’d like to paint. Though, if you want to stay in the barbarian style, have a look at this wip of a female barbarian from the Hasslefree Miniatures range which is really nice and different from what we can usually see.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (2)

Still looking for the male or did I managed to turn you on with the female? for me Kingdom Death produces two types of miniatures, first are those controversial ones which I don’t understand and second that I like to call normal ones. But for sure this company knows how to release nicely detailed miniatures.

Hellspawn: Ah, I knew you were more a female type of guy 😀 and you’re right, it’s nice to have a change in the weirdness of the previous releases, though, this bunch of minis isn’t what I prefer. But to stay away from the weirdness and come back on something more usual, Reaper Miniatures released this month a nice bunch of minis with this one that caught my attention. She’s perhaps not one of their best minis, but in this batch I liked her.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (4)

Isn’t she lovely with her helmet?

Large scale (54mm or above):

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (5) Knight Models turns out to be one of the leading large scale companies, the licences to use well known heroes helps a lot, but I think that we have to agree one thing – they really do those characters justice with such great sculpts.

Hellspawn: Yeah, Knight Models is one of the companies that I’m always enjoying the releases of their large scales, they do provide really nice quality products and they use their licences wisely, of course, they did released some lame ones. Do you remember the release of Darth Vader that was made some times ago?

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (6)

He’s totally silly while they could have done great job, on him (of course, this is just my personal pow on it) but it’s true that lately, the releases are just more and more interesting and I’ll for sure try to grab some of the DC releases if I can find some of my favourite super heroes sculpted.

You spoke previously about the Kingdom Death releases and I said that they weren’t really my taste, but I have to admit that this one is really good, she’s nicely sculpted far from the weirdness Kingdom Death usually provides us, she’s sexy, and she has something that attracts me (and no, I’m not talking about the titties here or the thong), she definitely has some character.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (7)

Don’t you think I’m right?


New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (8) this Hussar bust from Young Miniatures is very close to my heart, because it represents the famous cavalry from Poland. The character of the majestic knight looks very well executed and this panther skin…

Hellspawn: I’m not super excited about busts, I always think they look silly or something is missing, so won’t comment on this one and will just say that the paint job is really nice, as said, panther skin is very well executed just like the feathers.


New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (9) this sexy lady with big gun, who hunts lions in Africa in steampunk era comes from Castle Miniatures. I think it is a new company, but if they produce more large scale models like this one, then they will become very popular.

Hellspawn: You call that sexy? Sigh, she’s far from sexy, her boobs looks like eggs, she’s not really smiling, and what the hell is this gun? It’s weird, mix of a sniper gun with a melta gun canon…What is she hunting? Giant bugs? Cause she’s definitely not hunting lions in Africa with such a gun and, dressed like that, she’d better be a nice shooter then cause otherwise, she’ll end up in the bug’s belly. 😀 Now, this is what I would call sexy:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (10)

I’ve always been enjoying those Pin-up minis from Andrea Miniatures. They look like coming from the 50’s but the paint job is just insane and make them soo real that I would love to see more of those. Don’t you?


New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (11) this Otherworld liche makes a really nice addition to vampire army or war band.

Hellspawn: OH MY GOD! This mini is soooo gonna end in my Vampire Count army, this is for me A MUST HAVE for any Vampires Count or Tomb Kings player.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (12) those marines (or just call them seamen :D) from Titan Forge look absolutelly fantastic, they are full of character and the ogre with the mermaid is just great! The price (€35 for three) isn’t bad either.

Hellspawn: they’re really nice yes; Titan Forge released lately a nice pack of minis that would suits nicely any Ogre or Vampire Counts armies. Though, Titan Forge aren’t the only ones who did nice alternatives this month, Raging Heroes thought about Dark Elves (and later Dark Eldar) and also the Ork (fantasy and sci-fi ones) players with their releases. They’re launching the “Blood Vestals” and a nice Big Boss

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (13)

Conversions parts/Accessories:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (14) MaxMini surely knows how to keep up with Games Workshop‘s releases with their bits you can fully customise your Necron army.

Hellspawn: indeed, those heads will surely fits any Games Workshop armies, though, I would have seen those more on a Chaos Space Marines themed on the Thousand Sons than on Necrons but hey, this is just my taste.

Talking about customization, look at what CoolMiniOrNot thought about:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (15)

They previously released the Instant Mold (which you’ll find a review I made here but this month, they released a combo box of Instant Mold and what they called Instant Putty. So basically now, you can:
a) mold your own parts,
b) directly “sculpt it”

Don’t you think this is gonna be really helpful? Players are gonna be able to do more personalization for cheaper than before, it’s great!

Of course, considering this article is about new releases and this section about accessories, we couldn’t make an article about monthly releases without talking about the new range of Games Workshop paints and the accessories that goes with:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (16)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (17)

Though, having nice tools to convert and big range of paints isn’t helpful if you don’t have something to order everything. So here comes Back2Base-ix with their nice bunch of shelves:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (18)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (19)

Funniest release:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (20) Wyrd has made this War Pig Rooster especially for Easter, not sure if this is a limited miniature or even will it have its rules for Malifaux, but it is quite funny

Hellspawn: It’s a funny one indeed, not that much to say about it, besides that it’s a pink “bunny” on a skinned chicken ^^.Talking about chicken, those, usually runs heedlessly, but I think that the term “headless” can easily go to this:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (21)

I think that Privateer Press should definitely stop going for sooo huge shoulders because this is plain ridiculous. This guy here looks like more Sleepy Hollow than anything else. They should definitely look to rework on their bases because Privateer Press has a serious problem here.


Talking about the bases, let’s get back to the ground, well, if we can talk about ground here cause Dark Age released a bunch of bases on the theme of ice explosion.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (22)

Hellspawn: They do look more like water with waves than ice to me, but hey, they’re not the worst releases this month, cause look at the next section. Quite ok, but check those bases from Tabletop-art. Not only those look great, but the idea to sell them as a deal is sweet.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (23)

Worst release:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (24) some might say that this one is cool, but for me this Lord of Pestilence from Avatars of War is big NO. There are too many things going there, seems overloaded to me.

Hellspawn: What the hell is that? Chtulhu-headed fat dorf? Anyone has a bag because nausea is coming… 😕

Well, I don’t thank you for this choice, It’s something, that I would have gladly pass on, hehe, though if you managed to make me throw up with your “worst release” choice, look at those two from Zenith Miniatures and Reaper:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (25)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (26)

Don’t you think those are ugly as well?

Best paintjob:

We couldn’t end this compilation with such horrible things, this was just impossible, cause knowing that our readers could have nightmares just thinking about those “things” (cause we can’t even call them minis) was not something we wanted so here are a few of what we think are the most amazing official paintjobs of the month.

First one is from a new company called Infamy Miniatures and I thought that even if the mini isn’t awesome, the paintjob on the bottle is just insane. Look at it:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (27)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (28)

The second that catches our attention is from another new company called Origen Art. This mermaid is superb, no wonder seamen usually fell in love with their charms: 😀

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (29)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of March and April 2012 (30)

So here is the end of this compilation of some of the releases of this month that catches our attention. This isn’t of course the whole bunch of the releases that arrived this month, only a part of it, but what do you guys think? Was it good? Do you agree with us?

Want more?

On the Chest of Colors forum we have a section called Manufacturers, where forum members and even a few miniatures producers post information about latest releases. Feel free to join and leave feedback. Also, if you know some new company, or even better – you make your own miniatures – don’t hesitate and post information about new miniatures, conversions parts or companies. The more hobbysts see those miniatures, the bigger chance it will find its fans. Somehow we have to spend our hard earned money, don’t we?

— & Hellspawn

HobbyZone paint station review

Recently I got hold of products of Polish company HobbyZone and I’ve been using them (HobbyZone paint station and paint stands) for over two weeks now. I must admit that despite my initial reservations based on my experience with the Games Workshop Paint Station, they allowed me to organize my paint station and made fitting it into my constanly shrinking miniature painting space much easier.

Catalogue photos:

HobbyZone paint station review (1)

HobbyZone paint station review (2)

I mainly tested the paint station, but in addition to the HobbyZone paint station review I also managed to prepare a review of the two paint stands that I have. Now I can see all my paints! Previously I kept them in my drawer. I hoped they should remain in place on the Ikea antislip mat, but whenever I opened the drawer I found them in a completely changed order. Ikea can wipe their backs with their mats! 😛

After testing HobbyZone products I prepared a review of the HobbyZone accessories I had. You can read about my opinions below.

Paint stand

Much joy from a small thing!
According to the producer’s description, the paint stand is a perfect solution for keeping your painting place tidy while painting models. We’re assured that thanks to firm slots chances of spilling paint are really slim.

It looks like this:

HobbyZone paint station review (1)

HobbyZone paint station review (2)

HobbyZone paint station review (3)

What do we get?

The stand measures 42,5 cm x 18 cm x 9,5 cm and is supplied in elements which need to be assembled. Assembly is childishly easy, doesn’t require and gluing and parts fit perfectly. Adding even a simplest manual (even on the company’s website) wouldn’t be a bad thing, as it could that shelves should be mounted in a zipper-like way (with slots shifted in relation to the previous shelf) – just like on my photos.

Parts to build the stand:

HobbyZone paint station review (4)

Building is childishly simple:

HobbyZone paint station review (5)

HobbyZone paint station review (6)

HobbyZone paint station review (7)

HobbyZone paint station review (8)

HobbyZone paint station review (9)

Of course it’s not necessary, but it would answer the only doubt one could have while assembling the stand.


Paint stands are available in 2 variants, the difference being in the size and number of paint bottle slots. It can be either 40 x 36mm slots or 54 x 28mm slots.

These smaller slots are suited for “dropper” bottles, for example Vallejo or Reaper MSP. The larger ones can hold even more “bulging” bottles – like Games Workshop‘s or P3, but also those of smaller diameter. Unfortunately it results in a disadvantage: when something is universal, it’s never perfectly suited to its purpose. It’s true also in this case – many of my paints fit pretty loosely to those 36mm slots. It doesn’t make them any less usable, but is not as “professional” and convenient as better fitting smaller slots, which hold paints (for example Vallejo) much better.

Vallejo and Reaper MSP series paints sit perfectly in 28mm slots:

HobbyZone paint station review (10)

Unfortunately universal 36mm slots have their disadvantages:

HobbyZone paint station review (12)

Inks and pigments don’t fit into slots:

HobbyZone paint station review (13)

HobbyZone paint station review (14)

When placing an order one should choose the version of paint stand they want shipped. Moreover, the producers are very flexible and don’t even mind such sophisticated ideas like mixing different types of shelves within one stand – you just need to write what kind of shelves you want and it can surely be arranged with HobbyZone!


I have one stand for my Vallejo and Reaper paints (smaller slots) and one for P3 and Citadel paints – the universal size (which means: larger slots).

As you surely know I have a complete mix of various paint bottles, but despite this the universal size didn’t suit my needs that fine, which I already described above. It is surely a personal thing, because a person relying more on Games Workshop paints would surely have a different opinion. I have few paints in such bottles and smaller bottles move loosely in those large slots.

As you can see on my photos, even GW jars sit there pretty loosely, just like P3 ones. The best fit I got was with Vallejo alcohol-based metallics:

Only alcohol-based Vallejo metallics sit firmly, while other paints sit rather loosely:

HobbyZone paint station review (11)

I tried to fill unused slots with MIG pigments and Winsor & Newton inks, but they didn’t fit there. Fortunately I managed to find room for them on the HobbyZone paint station (which you will see below).

I can suggest that introducing additional types of shelves with different slots, better suited to other popular products, would make HobbyZone’s offer more attractive. Especially if people are going to order customized choices of shelves depending on their needs (for example 1 x pigments shelf, 1 x Citadel paints shelf, 1 x P3 paints shelf and 1 x Vallejo shelf).

Currently I am only missing one Vallejo stand and a benchtop organizer for complete happiness, but there’s always time to pick these up… 🙂

HobbyZone paint station

The paint stand I have is called a professional paint station by HobbyZone. Actually I prefer to call it a “tabletop”, but let’s use the name given by the producer. The difference between types of paint stations is in sizes and number of shelves. The professional one has three shelves and measures 60 cm x 40 cm x 8 cm.

What do we get

The paint station is made of a base and three shelves with slots for paints, brushes and tools, and two additional side shelves (that I call “ears”). My table came assembled and glued, and only the “ears” (side shelves) required putting into prepared slots, but it was very easy.

Paint station in parts:

HobbyZone paint station review (15)

It’s very easy to add side shelves:

HobbyZone paint station review (16)

HobbyZone paint station review (17)

HobbyZone paint station review (18)

Completely assembled HobbyZone paint station:

HobbyZone paint station review (19)

Wide choice of different tool slots:

HobbyZone paint station review (20)

The side shelves are stabilized by additional supports, which prevents them from bending and makes them stable

Moreover, the paint station is very functional even without these additional shelves and some may even prefer it this way as it takes less space. I was told one can also order it unassembled, but I didn’t make use of this option as it has no impact on pricing.

Holders on sides of the paint station make it very portable, which solves my current organization problems. Additionally I can have all the useful things really close at hand, and paints selected for painting 4 models simultaneously fit into their slots just fine. 😀


Just like paint stands, paint stations are also offered in 2 versions: with larger and smaller slots, and the choice is made when placing the order. Moreover, you can use the without changing the price and creating a freely selected choice of shelves customized to your needs.

As I already mentioned it, since the producers were really flexible regarding customization of their products, I could choose the kind of slots I wanted for my paint station. As far as I know they wouldn’t mind similar requests from other customers too. 😉

My paint station has slots for large and small paint bottles:

HobbyZone paint station review (21)

Surface of the Paint station

I remember I used to have a Games Workshop paint station, but it became really worn and ugly with time – I didn’t mind glue and paint stains but I felt that instead of washing the thing I was rubbing dirt into it. (Hehe, I must sound like a frustrated housewife, but hey, you must be cleaning your desks before major holidays, too ;)) I like to have my workplace clean because working in a mess makes me tired fast. That’s also one of the reasons why I didn’t decide to get the HobbyZone paint station before.

Then I was convinced by laminated suface of the paint station. I think it will make the table more resistant to damage and wearing, and will allow it to look neat for a longer time. And it has to look this way because it sits in my dining room, which is also my workshop. So far cleaning is easy and I haven’t experienced any problems, so keeping the paint station tidy and in good order didn’t cause any problems, but I’ve been using it only for like two weeks.


Now a few words about the base of the paint station – the tabletop. The first thing is that HobbyZone offers paint stations in a few sizes, and I decided to get the biggest one (which is called “professional”, so how could I resist! ;)) The width is comfortable – moving from a large table onto it was no problem for me and I didn’t feel it’s too small for my needs. Of course I can’t tell if a broad-shouldered man would say the same, but for me the size is OK. I only find the depth of the tabletop a bit too short, so I keep it pushed like 10cm back onto the table, which increases the depth of the paint station and my workspace. But would I decide to order a deeper one? Not really, because I would be unable to keep it on my wardrobe. So in my case the size is just fine 🙂 I think I don’t really find the difference in levels of both tabletops a problem, because the base of the paint station is pretty thin.

This reminds me of a problem I had with the Games Workshop paint station, which had a thicker base and it made my forearms hurt after working for a longer time. You know, the difference of levels and sharp edge of the paint station made my arms go numb and painful. Bear in mind that I often happen to sit and paint for longer periods of time, so such problems can discourage to use this kind of equipment. That was one of the reasons why I was unsure if I would like the HobbyZone table. Fortunately its thickness is just right – it assures stability of the whole thing, while not making it painful for the painter’s arms. I have to admit that while carrying the loaded paint station around I felt as if the base was pretty flexible due to its low thickness, but I hope it won’t end up in the same way as the Games Workshop paint station, which soon became warped… But whatever I would call the GW thing, I wouldn’t call it “flexible”.

The base is thin enough so it doesn’t cause any pain even during long painting sessions:

HobbyZone paint station review (22)


Quality of the paint station caused no objections on my end, and the HobbyZone logo doesn’t jump at you, and is a nice visual touch instead. You know that for me such little things can mean a lot 🙂

Of course, like a typical woman I had a crazy idea to repaint the paint station to a color more harmonized with my apartment, but I quickly realized that the white color of the paint station has a big advantage – it doesn’t create any color cast, which would alter the way painted models look. White also reflects more light, which makes your workspace brighter and better lit (without blinding you ;)). I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but even if it was just accidental – it must have been a lucky accident.

Elements of the HobbyZone paint station are glued solidly and neatly, and edges are finished in a clean way so it seems there’s no risk of tearing or chipping. Of course I am judging after like two weeks of usage, so I can’t tell what it’s going to look like after a year or two.

Gluing is neat, workmanship is flawless:

HobbyZone paint station review (23)

Possible improvements:

I did a little improvement to the table, which allows me to carry it more securely (and it’s very important to me). I fixed the miniatures and elements I was working on to the paint station with Blu-tack or Patafix. This keeps them secured to their places and I don’t have to fear the possibility of anything dropping from the table when I am transporting it.

My problem was that I couldn’t find suitable water glasses to fit in the slots prepared in the paint station. They could become another product from HobbyZone, but on our miniature painting forum I was told to use disposable plastic cups, and they fit perfectly, so this problem was already solved. Not that I wouldn’t prefer something more durable…

On the photos you can see that for now I prefer to use the slots originally planned for water cups to keep my sculpting tools and a coaster on which I keep spare little bits, and I carry my water glasses on the tabletop:

I keep my water cups on the base, as I don’t have suitable glasses to fit in the slots:

HobbyZone paint station review (24)

Final verdict

As you can surely see, I am very satisfied with the improvements and reorganization I managed to achieve thanks to the paint station and paint stands. I would rate the quality of these products as very good, they’re easy to keep clean and much room for paints, toold and miniatures I am painting allows me to keep most of the things I might need while working on miniatures (and surely also other models) close at hand. I hope these products are durable enough so I don’t have to replace them with new ones (and remember they’re getting some rough time from me – painting every day and being carried around a few times a day).

If there’s anything I don’t quite like, it’s the larger-sized paint slots. I can’t say they’re bad, but they simply don’t suit my needs all that well. Although supposed to be universal slots, they aren’t well suited to some of more frequently used products. And if they’re supposed to be a good fit for a particular kind of bottles, then they could be fitting more accurately. It may be a matter of taste though. I dealt with it by moving some of my supplies onto the paint station, but this means I have some of my rarely used products there where I don’t really need them so much. They could rest on paint stands, but I hope such paint stands are still to be produced. 🙂

I think that HobbyZone started well with a line of products for us, painters. Now they should open their minds to suggestions coming from the hobby community and react to market situation. There are some suggestions from me in this very review. 😉

Prices of their products are not high in my opinion. People who spend a few hours daily painting, should be able to spend some money on equipping and reorganizing their workspaces.

Would I recommend these products to other painters? Yes, with completely clear conscience. Just remember that it’s not any kind of a magic solution which will tidy up and reorganize your workshops. In my case it worked well because I always wanted to have easy access to tools, paints and models that I am working on, and to be able to carry my painting equipment easily – and both the paint station and paint stands allow for easy portability. I got what I expected.

Ideas and suggestions

First thing is what I already mentioned: shelves with different shapes and sizes of slots. It would allow to customize paint stands for the kind of products one actually uses. Especially that HobbyZone is pretty flexible as far as customizations go.

Another idea I have is to make similar shelves, but instead of paint bottle slots, they would have little drawers for fine modeling supplies, like glue, flock, sand, static grass, etc. If they keep the same size as paint stands, one could build a whole wall of such shelves.

Alternatively they could also split benchtop organizers into smaller modules (let’s say in 3 variants: empty, shelves and drawers), which could be combined depending on your needs and preferences.

The last idea I would like to remind about was to provide those unfortunate water cups, which would fit the slots in paint stations. I would most likely buy them for my paint station.

And let’s not forget the display cabinets section on HobbyZone website, which is still empty. I really wonder when we will see anything there and what will they look like.

And what would you like to suggest to HobbyZone? Maybe you have used their products and would like to share your own opinion? I am curious what you have to say on this subject and sure that the HobbyZone crew will check this review and comments here.

— Ańa

Titan Forge review

Titan Forge is a fairly new company based in Poland.We have recently received some of their miniatures, which allowed us to prepare this Titan Forge review. Let’s not waste your time then and tell you few words about them.

About Titan Forge

Titan Forge review (1)

Titan Forge’s target group are without any doubts GW gamers, playing both WFB and 40K. Their products (miniatures, bits and bases) are clearly sculpted to supplement your GW army. Is it good or bad? I’ll leave this question for you to reply. It needs to be stressed though that there usually is a twist to them – we can see some pirate ogres or undead orcs. Anyway, why don’t you follow the above link and check Titan Forge ranges by yourself.

Titan Forge review (2)


Sculpting is not bad. Speaking honestly, these are not the best sculpts on the market and their quality varies between individual pieces. Nevertheless, it seems that new miniatures are received better by viewers. You can check some opinions on our forum. I hope that this progress will continue and next miniatures will be even better. There are some miniatures I do like already.

Titan Forge review (3)

Titan Forge products are packed in blisters or cardboard boxes filled with some chips. I haven’t found any sign of damages after transport, so I guess that they protected properly.

Titan Forge review (4)

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Quality of the casts is satisfactory. I’ve seen better resin casts for sure, but Titan Forge has nothing to be ashamed of. On the next few pics you will see some of the standard issues that you can encounter when working with resin: mould lines, excessive flesh, air bubbles etc. These are not as significant problems as with Finecast products, but the faults are there and need to be mentioned.

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Titan Forge guys put a lot of attention to make assembly easier. Check these triple pegs or even metal pin!

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Unfortunately, there still are some gaps to be filled after assembly.

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Nice surprise

While we speak of assembling – you will be spoiled with choices! Titan Forge packs a lot of additional bits. In case of ogres there were at least two heads for each ogre. Very nice from them. You can choose bits you like the best and there will still be more waiting to be used in the future.

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Another thing I liked a lot about Titan Forge miniatures is that most of them came with ready bases suiting the sculpts perfectly – sea theme for pirates, graveyard for the undead… I suppose this will be appreciated especially by gamers who will get interesting bases for their minis without any effort. By the way, these bases are also available separately.

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Prices… well, I find it hard to decide if these products are reasonably priced. They are not the cheapest miniatures around, but you get additional bits and ready bases… Decide for yourself if you want to pay or not.

Summary of Titan Forge review

Generally speaking, my feelings about this company are quite ambivalent. Yes, they clearly base their product on GW games, yet they try to introduce some variety by playing with GW ideas and concepts. Sculpts and casts are not perfect, but it seems they are constantly improving. There are better prices on the market, but this is balanced to some extent with all add-ons

I think I’ll just keep my eyes opened and wait for further Titan Forge releases. I can recommend some of their miniatures already and I’m sure I’ll paint few by myself with pleasure. I suggest you do the same, especially if you are a gamer.

Forge World Chaos Decimator – Review

Hi there!

When I found out about the release of a Forge World Chaos Decimator and Chaos being my soft spot I just couldn’t resist ordering it. Additional benefit being the fact that now I can share this Forge World Chaos Decimator review with you. 🙂


I tend to order from Forge World early to get “fresh” moulds, and thus reduce the chances of miscast.

So, using my old habit when it comes to Forge World to order their releases early to get “fresh” moulds, and thus reduce the chances of miscast, I pre-ordered the Decimator and each weapon set right away. If I am not mistaken the release date was due on the 2nd of April and I received it on the 4th of April so kudos to them for shipping early (had I lived in UK I’d prolly had receive it before release so that’s a good point for them.)

Anyway onto the miniature!

Unboxing the Chaos Decimator for review

As you can see from the next picture, the body kit comes in a bag of 23 parts plus a standard 60mm base (not shown) and assembly instructions. In this Forge World Chaos Decimator review we will focus on the model itself.

Forge World Chaos Decimator - Review (1)

The weapons as for all dreadnoughts are sold separately. To my surprise, they now come into the same “new” blisters Games Workshop uses.

Forge World Chaos Decimator - Review (2)


As you can guess, and to my dread, you can recognize Finecast sprue and resin! I was starting to ramble and think about how many air bubbles I’d have to fix but I soon realised that this is not your everyday finecast. Both body and weapon’s resin is somewhat new (comparing to what FW used a year or so ago).

As you can guess, and to my dread, you can recognize Finecast sprue and resin!

To make this Chaos Decimator review more complete I should describe the material used. I am by no means professional when it comes to resin but I suppose this one is more or less from the same recipe as the Finecast one, but of much better quality. If you compare it to Finecast, this one is harder, while still being more flexible than what Forge World used to have. Like its finecast counterpart, it’s light and the mold lines are very easy to clean.

Casting quality

On this particular mini I found just a few mould lines, not badly placed (nothing in the way of details for example)

Also, as you can see from the pics, the details are sharp and crisp. To my relief the only air bubbles I found were on the resin excess you will throw away.

Overall I’d say that, unlike Games Workshop, Forge World has mastered this resin. This is what finecast should and must be. Great quality and no bubbles or any of the troubles we got used to see from Finecast.

Assembled Chaos Decimator

Anyway, I am cleaning and assembling it as I write this so for this Chaos Decimator review I’d just provide you with the official Forge World picture of the final product as I still have to magnetise all the weapons (which, considering how they are attached to their mounts shouldn’t be too difficult)

So this is the beast in its splendor:

Forge World Chaos Decimator - Review (3)

And the size comparison shot provided again by Forge World:

Forge World Chaos Decimator - Review (4)

Chaos Decimator review – Conclusion

To conclude, I think both gamers and painters alike would enjoy this mini. It is nicely detailed but without being overwhelming.

Being Chaos and rather big, it might prove to be more challenging to paint it up to competition standards than the Contemptor but I am sure we will see a few Decimators on the coming painting events! The dynamic posing and its size might also make it a good candidate for dioramas.

All in all I am happy with my purchase from Forge World, the quality of the sculpt and casting being very good, now we just need a cool Chaos Codex to come too!

— Ariakas