While it’s been quite some time from the release of the awesome new 9rd Indomitus box set and these marines were done for quite some time now, I just now found time to share 😀

I must say that Games Workshop has gone all out when it comes to level detail on starter set miniatures. Once one was thrilled to see ornaments and purity seals on the heroes… and then this guy happened:

Turns out that even on low level painting commissions (this one is a lvl 1.5-2) there’s quite a lot to do just to have all elements picked out!
Anyway, the customer wanted a nice pre-heresy Alpha legion scheme. So I went to work with some metallics, GW contrast paints and… ta-daaam! The serpent strikes!

To make the army fit the pre-heresy scheme more, i added helmet crests by www.puppetswar.eu to give some variety (ok, I know the Alpha Legion each marine looks exactly the same, no squad marking or extras…. but that would be problematic in-game to find the sergeant;).

The problem with all starter set miniatures is that they are easy-to-build and so shoulderpads are attached to the body or arms. So since no shoulderpad swap was possible, I decided to give the characters and sergeants a free-hand scale pattern on the shoulder. This helps to merge the non-blue armoured characters like the Judicator to blend in with the rest.

The bases were made to fit the rest of the commission…. 3 sets of Necrons which I will show you soon, so stay tuned!