The circus troupe you’ve seen on my WIP photos is ready.
We took the photos in early March but didn’t manage to post them until now. Well, now they are here for you to enjoy 🙂
Ogre Firebelly
Ogre Firebelly
Ogre Firebelly
Ogre Firebelly
Ogre Firebelly
Ogre Firebelly
Ogre Firebelly
Serpentine La Roux
Serpentine La Roux [Studio McVey]
Serpentine La Roux [Studio McVey]
Serpentine La Roux [Studio McVey]
Serpentine La Roux [Studio McVey]
Serpentine La Roux [Studio McVey]
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady
Colette Du Bois
Colette du Bois
Colette du Bois
Colette du Bois
Colette du Bois
Colette du Bois
And if you want to see the WIP posts, you can find them here .
one of the biggest motivation factors for me is the possibility to play with miniatures. If a painted unit should take place in a campaign – that is even better!
Together with a friend we are playing Games Workshop’s Sigmar’s Blood campaign. For the third battle I needed some special forces 🙂
I finished painting this Arachnork spider in May 2015, but I didn’t have the photos until now. Better late than never, here they are for you to see. 🙂
Arachnork spider
The text on the base says:
»Live on then, and yet hang, condemned one, but, lest you are careless in future, this same condition is declared, in punishment, against your descendants, to the last generation!« Departing after saying this, Athena sprinkled her with the juice of Hecate’s herb, and immediately at the touch of this dark poison, Arachne’s hair fell out. With it went her nose and ears, her head shrank to the smallest size, and her whole body became tiny. Her slender fingers stuck to her sides as legs, the rest is belly, from which she still spins a thread, and, as a spider, weaves her ancient web.
Here’s what the official Games Workshop narration says about this monster:
In the darkest depths of the most sinister forests, even Giants and Cygors can fall prey to the colossal Arachnarok Spider. Towering over houses and settlements alike, this gargantuan creature can be goaded into battle by Forest Goblins who worship it as a living god. Bedecked with shanty towers, altars to the Spider-god or even crude catapults, the Arachnarok Spider will terrorise the Warhammer world.
Arachnork spider (detail)
Arachnork spider (detail)
Arachnork spider (detail)
Arachnork spider (detail)
Arachnork spider (detail)
Arachnork spider
Arachnork spider
Arachnork spider
Arachnork spider
I hope you like it, and I will soon post some more WIP photos of my Alahan models.