Although I still haven’t played any game with them, I just love the miniatures and it brings me tons of joy to paint them. This time I have painted some vampires.
Chaos in Carpathia, 15mm, Miniatures from Blue Moon ManufacturerChaos in Carpathia, 15mm, Miniatures from Blue Moon ManufacturerChaos in Carpathia, 15mm, Miniatures from Blue Moon Manufacturer
one of the biggest motivation factors for me is the possibility to play with miniatures. If a painted unit should take place in a campaign – that is even better!
Together with a friend we are playing Games Workshop’s Sigmar’s Blood campaign. For the third battle I needed some special forces 🙂
It’s really refreshing to try something new, my choice went for 15mm miniatures from Blue Moon Manufacturing . The made a game called Chaos in Carpathia. The producer describes this game as …
Chaos in Carpathia (CIC) combines fast-paced,
skirmish-level miniature-battle action with a detailed
campaign system. The game is designed to simulate
clashes between men and monsters in the Victorian era.
Following in the tradition of classic tales like
Dracula, the Werewolf, and Frankenstein, CIC allows
players to fight epic battles pitting heroes against
Here is some progress I am making on painting my little, 15mm war bands. So far I’ve got some vampire slayers and werewolves ready. Next will be vampires and zombies.
Chaos in Carpathia, 15mm, Miniatures from Blue Moon ManufacturerChaos in Carpathia, 15mm, Miniatures from Blue Moon ManufacturerNuns, full with faith and holy waterSir Alfred, Vampire slayerWerewolf pack leader