Some new purchases

I received a shipment of new miniatures that I purchased some time ago.

Black Knight

The first model is a limited edition Black Knight from Kingdom Death. Mine is #94 of 100.

Black Knight (Kingdom Death)
Black Knight (Kingdom Death)

I don’t have any decent photos of the model itself yet, but painting it will be great for sure. Here are a few more photos of the model:

Female Tau

Then there is a little curiosity from Wargame Exclusive. It seems like a bootleg release of a female Tau warrior for Warhammer 40.000. I think many of you may have never heard of Wargame Exclusive at all…

Female Tau (Wargame Exclusive)
Female Tau (Wargame Exclusive)


This mysterious thing is Moloch, a mountain giant sculpted by Allan Carasco, released by Figone.

Moloch, le géant des montagnes (Figone)
Moloch, le géant des montagnes (Figone)

The official photos depict him in a more static pose, so here he is in a prancing or dancing position. 😉


And finally a great sculpt by Raúl García Latorre: Santa available from Mproyec.

Santa (Mproyec)
Santa (Mproyec)

Just check the few additional photos to see the beautiful quality of this release:

I am looking forward to painting these! 🙂


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