Nameless Guard - Nameless

Nameless Guard

I am slowly rebuilding my gallery. Over the next days, weeks and maybe months you will be bombarded with pics  of minis I have painted over the years.

Nameless Guard
Nameless Guard


Nameless Guard was a special project, my attempt to have a fully painted army – something I have never achieved.

It took me few months of heavy work, but I have succeeded. The army was based on Death Guard / Plague Marines models and a sacred Nurgle’s number (7).

Nameless Guard - Squad Decay
Nameless Guard – Squad Decay
Nameless Guard - Squad Rot
Nameless Guard – Squad Rot


7 units, each with 7 models, plus a chaos lord Nameless making for a total of 50 miniatures.  On top of that, 7 war machines. Most of them are converted.

Some of these you can see in this post. Here’s the link to the full gallery of the Nameless Guard.

Nameless Guard - Land Raider
Nameless Guard – Land Raider
Nameless Guard - Hellbrute Dust
Nameless Guard – Hellbrute Dust


If you wish to learn more how this army came to life, there’s a thread on Chest of Colors forum.

Nameless Guard - Nameless


And if you wish to take this army to battlefields of the 40th century, contact me. It’s not brand new but it has never been used and is ready for sale!

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