Going underground

I painted one starter set from Modular Underground Project – 3D Dungeon Wargame Terrain. This plastic terrain is really cool and with some little work you can build unique and realistic looking dungeon. The set contains 10x10cm floor tiles and 6cm high walls. Some walls are solid and some have spaces that can be filled with different inserts – solid walls, doors or steel gates. You can leave them unfilled to get nice arches. The build options are almost infinite, so each time your dungeon can be different.

The pieces in the box are already cut from the sprues, so all you have to do is to perform a little cleaning and glue 2-part walls. I used Revell plastic glue with needle. The plastic is hard and the glue does not melt it enough, so the bond is not extra strong. One wall felt from my table to the floor and split to 2 halves. So if you want really strong bond, use super glue.

After cleaning and assembly I washed all the parts with warm water with soap and primed it with grey Vallejo airbrush primer. After that I sprayed the walls with brown-red paint and floor with beige one. This way I got dungeon with stone floor and brick walls, which looks interesting. Later I applied wash of dark brown, but before that I painted some bricks and floor tiles in different color for diversified look. When the wash dried, I drybrushed the elements with lighter shades of base color. That’s it! I used really basic techniques and thanks to well sculpted surface I received quite nice effect.

MUP 3D Dungeon
MUP 3D Dungeon
MUP 3D Dungeon
MUP 3D Dungeon

Here is my so-far small dungeon with figures and accessories – it really came alive and looks even better.

MUP 3D Dungeon
Goblin-occupied dungeon – just waiting for brave adventurers!

So far I painted just one Oblivion starter set. I have 4 more left, not counting KS frebies which in my case are more than 2 extra sets. I can build really complex dungeon. If only I had enough space to display it 🙂

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