Miniature of the month: October 2012

Welcome back! Yeah I know… you really missed our game. 🙂 Please excuse me for making you wait so long for the next edition of Miniature of the month! This time we have 24 miniatures for you to choose from.

Last month there was the biggest painting competition in Poland – Hussar 2012. Unfortunately this year I couldn’t come, but still I can try my skills with some great painters like Ana, Bohun, Flameon, Ctan and many, many others. If you would like to make them a challenge, then try to paint a miniature, post it on Chest of Colors forum and try to win. 🙂

And remember you can also take part in the next month’s edition of Miniature of the Month!

Authors say

Now here is what the authors said about their works:

I would like to introduce myself and present to You some of my works to be judged and commented.
Firstly my recent work in almost se-nmm, almost because there is no horizon line. Wanted to make him more gold-like but in the process no yellows were added and so it came more patina-bronze.
Mad Puppet miniature, 55mm
— madfly-art

In preparation for Halloween, here are some horror I painted last week. 02282, Ghoul Warrior sculpted by Bob Ridolfi and 02941, Ghouls and Ghast sculpted by Ben Siens, all by Reaper Miniatures. I’ve cut the Ghoul Warrior arm to meet the needs of the diorama I’m working on now for Reaper Halloween Contest.
I used Vallejo cork brown as base color for the skin. Then, I applied a flat brown wash and blended some highlights with green gray and dark flesh which in fact are not dark at all. I finished with purple bruises and different tones of flat red mixed with charcoal color for the blood.
— Metalchaos

Miniatures of the month October

Who can enter the competition

Everyone! Yes, that’s true. Have you ever considered competing and trying your skills with other great painters? This is a great opportunity. 🙂
It’s all very simple – just log into our forum and post pictures of your miniatures. They will automatically take part in next month voting.

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honourable mentions. The number of honourable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:


The poll is open until the end of November. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum and will take part in voting “Miniature of the Year 2012”. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain your votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


UPDATE: This month’s winner is Ana with her Nokjagerin, and honorable mentions go to CTan and Marta. Congratulations!

Miniature of the month: June 2012

It is getting hotter and hotter and staying at home is almost like a crime 😉
But still 26 Chest of Colors forum members found some time to paint something. I think we can be happy with their results, which can be seen in the collection of Miniature of the Month June collection. What always keeps me amazing about every month’s collections is the variety of the miniatures. Different companies and different styles of painting.

Which one do you like best? Vote and discus it here or at your forum.

Authors say

Now here’s what the authors said about their works:

I think I picked this one up at ReaperCon 2011 (or perhaps earlier), and based and primed it around that time. Then it sat on my desk untouched for many months until sometime this spring when I started on it again. I got close to finishing it, and then it sat again for another month or so. I’ve finally finished it, and will be shipping it down to Reaper soonish.
— pae

Holy smokes it’s been a while since I completed a mini. Longest stretch I’ve had in a long, long while. I painted this one up for a friend and also for a challenge over on the WAMP boards vs. the legendary CofC’s very own Nameless! Of course this thing challenge has really dragged on so I won’t blame Nameless if he’s not so interested anymore. Anyway, here he is.
— ScottRadom

This is the Dwarf Lord I posted in the WIP section: I completed it trying to apply the advice I received. I know I could improve many things on it, anyway I try to improve through various works. I’m not completely satisfied with the cape (especially for the shading), but I will take care of the experience for future red capes
— FiloSganga

Here’s my finished Cryx Slayer. Tried to use some new stuff to me (to make stuff look like it’s glowing, battle damage) though, seems that for a first try it was mostly a fail but at least the mini moves away from the Pile of Shame
— Hellspawn

Miniatures of the month June

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:


The poll is open until the end of July. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain your votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


UPDATE: No winner this time. Slawol and CTan tied for the first place with equal numbers of votes, Flameon being next. So they all receive honorable mentions but no single entry is awarded the title and badge of the Miniature of June 2012. We wish you all better luck the next time. 🙂

Miniature of the month: May 2012

Like every month, this time we also bring you some 23 cool looking and very well painted miniatures. It is not much when you compare it to other months, but I still hope you will find 3 cool looking miniatures and leave your votes for the Miniature of the month May here.

Have fun, enjoy watching the miniatures and remember that you can always give feedback to the authors at the forum!

Authors say

Here’s what a few painters of this month’s entries said about their works:

Well, I managed to get painted 6 mechthralls each one took me about 1.5 hours each, not bad for tabletop but decent quality. Another 6 more of these guys to go and I still have a huge amount of Cryx to paint.
— Arctica

So this time something special, Grim from Pulp City – a yet unreleased mini made for special exchange thanks to generosity of Morf. It is about 19~20 mm tall.
— Maru

I think the proportions of the base somehow turned out weird and not fitting. Guess I should have tested putting Brahyn on the plinth before glueing, priming and painting everything. 😀 … A lesson well learned but I still hope it looks ok!
— P1per

Miniatures of the month May

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:


The poll is open until the end of June. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain your votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


UPDATE: This time the winner is Flameon, whose entry beat its opponents by a large margin. Well done, Flameon! Honorable mentions go to JerzyK and CTan. Thanks for your interest and congratulations!

Miniature of the month: April 2012

Hello! This time our Miniature of the Month April article will have to do with a shorter introduction.

A wide selection of diferent miniature ranges can be found in this month’s selection of miniatures. A few of them took part in different competitions like Salute, Wamp contest or Duke of Bavaria. Check the authors’ threads at the forum to see how those entries were done and did they do in competitions.

Have fun, enjoy watching the miniatures and remember that you can always give feedback to the authors at the forum!

Authors say

Here’s what some painters said about their works:

And here’s my entry for the Studio McVey competition on the WAMP forum. I thought I’d try some colors I haven’t used very much. I was surprised that I finished this one in about a week, as it usually takes me much longer to finish something.
— pae

My brother sent me a lot of Scibor’s gobos. I love the character of these minis. I had lots of problems with the pics and these are the best of about 20 pics.
— jason

I decided to consider the piece done and gave up earlier plans what can yet be added etc – model took me already too much time so my glass case will have to deal with it somehow. There’s actually a big hole behind the back wheel – which was supposed to be for snotlings or grots or whatever these little bastards are called in Kromlech 😀 The fence was a tough opponent – it’s really hard to shape properly… I added some fences on the game table and after the fence was bent with pliers I cannot re-make it straight again.
— demi_morgana

Miniatures of the month April

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:

Voting has ended

The poll is open until the end of May. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain you votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


UPDATE: This month we had some technical problems with voting, but we decided to award the title anyway. Moreover, we shouldn’t grant more than 2 honorable mentions, but because of the technical difficulties, we decided to grant it to 3 users, who collected equal numbers of votes. So the winner of this month’s poll is Le6n, with honorable mentions going to CTan, Atacam and Pae. Congratulations!

Miniature of the month: March 2012

Hello again! March was very productive at the Chest of Colors forum. This month you can see some great entries in the Miniature of the Month March 2012 gallery. The pictures I collected come from various sections of the forum.

Two of those places are the members’ own threads in Polish and English sections of the forum. The third source of photos is the Tale of Gamers thread.

Have fun, enjoy watching the miniatures and remember that you can always give feedback to the authors at the forum!

Authors say

Here are some comments from the authors of this month’s entries:

I finished this paintjob a few weeks ago. It’s meant to take part in the Lowlands competition at Games Workshop. And therefore, I tried painting it Eavy Metal style. All metallics are painted NMM. The gems are painted with a gloss varnish after I took the pictures.
If you have any feedback and suggestions for my next mini, please share them

— MaGie

Time for a new mini. I have been working on this for a while. halfway through this mini i suddenly got my layering/gradient to work so this mini is painted with a mix of technics but I am happy about the final result. it is also my first attempt with OSL. This is a great mini to paint had a lot of fun but in my opinion the eye are Honorable to paint as they are sculpted as two small “spots”. I am looking forward to your comments.

— Little Jimbo

Hi – for some years I’ve been collecting some models to make an army of dark elves. I don’t like the games workshop flashy clean , fair skined – pissed off – overspiky dark elves so I gathered verious models from past date confrontation, Hordes and my own convertions of Games workshop and confrontation models. Here are some things I’ve already done and I hope to post new stuff as it goes but still I don’t have a proper skill or camaera to make better photos. I will try to push some discipline as there are some other big projects comming an the current games workshop rulespack does not motivate me to play so I’m making an army with 7th edition in mind and hoping for better future.

— Rzymek

Miniatures of the month March

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:

Voting has ended

The poll is open until the end of April. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

Feel free to comment on this month’s entries, explain why you voted the way you did, or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thank you!


UPDATE: The winner of this month’s poll is C’Tan, with honorable mentions going to Irkuck and Le6n. Congratulations!