Do you remember the Emperor’s Children chaos space marines that I have been showing in various WIP phases for the last few weeks in various places, like my facebook page, Chest of Colors fanpage, or my Instagram stream?
Now they’re done!
Though I must say I am very happy with the results, the road to this point was quite long and bumpy. Still, I am glad I finally made it! 🙂
As you surely know, I tend to think about my models a bit in a storytelling way. There are no random poses, every model I am building is representing something – a situation, a state of mind, an image I’ve seen… So while building this squad I had some interpretations for every model forming in my mind.
Maybe you remember that I initially planned to paint the unit in metallic variant of its color scheme, which unfortunately didn’t work as well as I expected, so I needed to start over and try some alternatives as far as concepts and color schemes go.
But finally I have something that both I and their new owner are happy with. 😀
Decisions… decisions… decisions – choosing style for Emperor’s Children
There were quite a few conceptual debates and choices, but with two defining guidelines I knew I would use freehand paintings similar to those used on my Decimator Engine, that can be seen in my gallery of Warhammer 40.000 models. Of course these would have to be smaller and more subtle, but this tip was enough of inspiration to make me know in which direction to go.
The other suggestion was to use the sticky slime/gore/goo/blood technique that I used on my Contemptor Dreadnought. The technique is based on what CUKIERas showed in his tutorial about creating sticky blood effect, but I use it also for things other than blood. At this point I didn’t know what it was going to be, but I was nearly sure it wouldn’t be blood. We’re talking sci-fi here after all, so we can use various alien or demonic substances of various colors.
After adding the slime it was all about testing a few color options and interpretations, and finally I chose to go for white, spiderweb-like substance. Now they’re fighting their way through a dangerous alien or demonic world, which is not a hospitable place even without its inhabitants.
I have some individual photos of the models, so I hope to share them with you pretty soon, but in the meantime let me return to working on a group of Daemonettes of Slaanesh… 😉
I hope you liked the results of my works.
Thanks for your attention. 🙂
Great job. I like vivid colors and subtle freehands. Slime effect is also interesting. I will have to try it someday.