While packing a box of miniatures, I noticed a miniature that I was sure to have seen posted here, and to my surprise I was wrong. It was a model of Terpsichore that I painted months ago, and I think we’ll blame at all on Mahon and move on to the miniature itself. 😉

Now for those who are not familiar with Greek mythology, Terpsichore was the muse of dance. The miniature doesn’t show this aspect of the character too much, as the model is pretty static, so I decided to paint her my own way.
As you can see, my interpretation is completely different to what Jessica Rich showed on her paintjob presented on the Dark Sword Miniatures store page. While hers is much closer to what one might expect a Greek muse to look like, I turned her into an almost demonic being.
The thing I wanted to play with this time was the fabric of her clothes. I tried some patterns and decorations there (most of what’s going on there is actually freehand painted on the clothes – compare it to the original if you are curious), and generally kept her clothes dark. It helped in concealing some imperfections of the casting, but also this alone would make her look so very different than what the original concept art seems to suggest:

I don’t know if I will be painting any more of these muses, but they were fun to paint, so if I have a chance I will most likely not say ‘no’…