Who is Lesza? We know Leszy (usually translated to Leshy or Woodkin, but also Leshen in the Witcher 3 game) a demon of the woods from Slavic mythology. Lesza is supposed to be its female counterpart, and is also depicted as a bust from the Slavic Legends line by Ignis Art.

These are some beautiful busts with only one problem – the box arts are spectacular! Trying to go for the most obvious solutions is a guaranteed failure. I loved the model and wanted to paint it, so my only choice was to find my own interpretation of the subject.

I decided to try something completely different, more like some scary version of Lesza. Instead of being the spirit of the forest, I went for darker themes. So I included some moths, cobwebs and skulls. I also painted some haunting shapes forming on (or under) her skin, and cold candle light.

Now I can only hope you like what I’ve done with my Lesza. 🙂
Some of you keep asking me if she is available for sale. Unfortunately she is not, but it’s not a problem. If you have a model you would like me to paint, feel free to contact me about it. 🙂 And if it is one of the Slavic Legends models, I won’t mind it at all. 😀