Here are 2 female miniatures from Legends of Signum that I painted some time ago and somehow forgot to post here – Catharina Clare, the Vampire Slayer and Star Duke’s Concubine.

Here are 2 female miniatures from Legends of Signum that I painted some time ago and somehow forgot to post here – Catharina Clare, the Vampire Slayer and Star Duke’s Concubine.
I painted 2 more Legends of Signum miniatures: Willforts Todd the Signor Condottiere and Dug-Finn, warrior with jetpack. Both of them have their roots in Rackham Confrontation universe.
I painted another 2 miniatures from Legends of Signum – both from Holy Grypharim Empire. Does it have anything in common with Rackham Confrontation Griffins? 🙂 . Anyway, here are Vitern the Templar Veteran and Arcadia the Sunrise Knight.
Tulum, the Son of Steppes – another nicely detailed miniature from Legends of Signum.
Munin the Archmage – the last mini of Guild of Blades set. I painted him in similar colors as previous 2 figures. Indeed he looks like a typical mage.