Probably most of you know that the latest releases from Games Workshop were new Ogre Kingdoms miniatures. Games Workshop showcased some interesting Ogre Kingdoms miniatures on their website, including Golden Demon winning Ogre Thunderlord on Rhinox painted by Ańa.
Of course it was nice to see our painted miniatures showcased on one of the most popular miniature manufacturer’s website. Although almost four years passed since the model was painted, the paintjob still looks decent.
Thinking about it now, it must have been a serious effort and achievement for Ańa to paint that Ogre Thunderlord back then. It was a big model, serious modeling project, and a pretty advanced project for quite an inexperienced miniature painter that she was. Fortunately the effort was awarded with gold in Warhammer Monster category at Golden Demon Poland in 2007.
It was the first appearance of Ana’s works at Games Workshop website that we know of, excluding Golden Demon galleries. Needless to say, it must be cool to see your works showcased by such a big company.

Anyway, enough talking! Now feel free to see this miniature once again – we have more and bigger photos than what was shown by Games Workshop. And if you liked this miniature, you might like to see even more miniatures painted by Ańa in her gallery.
And now maybe some of you are interested in reading an article about making of this miniature? Maybe you would like to see it in our collection of tutorials? Just let us know and we can publish it if you want to read it (and see some work in progress pictures).