Irri and Jhiqui

These two miniatures are Irri and Jhiqui, characters from George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” saga. Obviously my paintjobs are not representations of these characters.

Irri and Jhiqui
Irri and Jhiqui

My paintjobs

I had only rough guidelines to follow when painting these models, regarding their skintones and the kind of fabric for their clothes. The decorations on their skins were my addition, just to make them a bit more interesting.
No, they’re not canon. 😉

Irri and Jhiqui unpainted

Both miniatures were sculpted by talented Tom Meier, and were released by Dark Sword Miniatures.

Unpainted they look like this:

Urania, the muse

You may know Urania as a muse. The patron of astronomy according to ancient Greek mythology. And this was the way she was depicted as a miniature from Dark Sword Miniatures.

Painting her as a beautiful woman with astronomer’s instruments would be way too obvious and too easy, so with one general suggestion to “give the globe a baleful glow” I turned her into something like this:

Urania, the muse
Urania, the muse

She keeps her astronomer’s tools and star-covered surface of her dress reminds of the original concept but the glow of her globe reveals a totally different aspect of her nature…

Now here’s the original artwork. Don’t you think it would be too obvious to follow this direction? 😉

Urania, the original artwork
Urania, the original artwork

Lizard lady (or: Female Rogue)

Another paintjob from me on a Dark Sword Miniatures model. The original miniature was called “Female rogue dual-wield” but I decide to turn her into a “Lizard lady”.

Lizard lady / Female rogue
Lizard lady / Female rogue

I had a concept of a dark-skinned fighter accompanied by some animals (maybe familiars?) and outfit incorporating some lizard features, like shiny surfaces and scales.

Lizard lady / Female rogue
Lizard lady / Female roguegue

As you can see the model is converted (I was not quite happy with the face, hence the mask). The original model can be seen here. I hope you like my interpretation. 🙂