Ruined altair

Finally I painted ruined altair – one of 3D Bases from Manorhouse Workshop. After filling air bubbles with Milliput I glued some static grass (not too much, just for diversion). Then I primed it with dark grey Vallejo polyurethane primer and then airbrushed with shades of beige and light greys. I wanted to make it quite light color. Actually airbrushing made 80% of paintjob and shading. After applying some darklining between stone tiles I drybrushed it with almost white (trying not to overdo it). The last stage was applying some brownish pigments in random places. That’s it! With relatively little work I got really nice diorama, perfect for RPG games or just better presentation of my miniatures.

3D Bases

3D Bases

3D Bases

3D Bases

What is a better way of making the terrain alive than adding some miniatures!

3D Bases

Mage accompanied by a group of warriors entered the abbey ruins to get rid of lustful deamonettes.

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