Between the Lines – Episode 6

We all have problems sometimes, more or less serious. We usually try to deal with them in many different ways.

One of the most popular methods is a prayer, mainly because it’s so easy. It doesn’t require much effort, does it? You just kneel, or light some candles, or draw a pentagram, or sacrifice some live beings… preferably all of these… and ask your mighty God, or Sigmar, or Cthulhu… preferably all of them, just in case…

Why would you want to waste your energy on attempts to overcome your problems if you can pray? Beware though, paths of gods are beyond our understanding, you might end with something you have not asked for.

God’s Gift

Between the lines - miniature painting cartoon: Chaos Gift by Iacton

This episode is sponsored by Iacton, a very talented painter whose works can be checked in his gallery.

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