Miniature of the month: January 2013

Welcome to this very first Miniature of the Month edition in year 2013. Make your choice and choose your favorite miniature posted in January here at Chest of Colors. Even better if you would like to join us and post pictures of your work so that you could take part in next voting in February.

There is also a special poll running at our miniature painting forum. We want to pick the best miniature in year 2012. So check Miniature of the Year 2013 thread and pick the best one!

Authors say

Now here is what the authors said about their works:

Here’s a few photo’s of a Corsair Prince I was asked to paint. He’s been given a light spray of varnish as he’s going to be used in games, hence the slight shine in the pictures – I did use dull coat on it too, but it didn’t get rid of the shine completely.

The base is simple as per the clients request, he wanted it to fit in with his current army models and their bases. The model was Finecast and sent to me primed and assembled, I did my best to clean it up but it was rough to say the least, so I did my best to smooth things over with the paint but some areas were bound to look rough no matter what I did. Short of buying a new model for him, I did as best I could to make it look half decent!

— skraaal

Well here is somthing totally different. i painted this army up for a friend of my. The deal was that I painted it so it would look nice from a distance (like on the picture.) The more special guys got some extra attention. But it’s all fairly low gamer standard. But he was on a very strict budget so we compromised. Not everything is based, because my friend is doing that himself.

I really like how this paint scheme worked out. It’s very striking in my opinion. Sorry the photo is a bit of a mess, didn’t take it myself, but I liked to showcase this because i painted 3000 to 3500 points of skeletons. Annoyingly brittle skeletons:)
— No Gut No Glory

Miniatures of the month January

Who can enter the competition

Everyone! Yes, that’s true. Have you ever considered competing and trying your skills with other great painters? This is a great opportunity. 🙂
It’s all very simple – just log into our forum and post pictures of your miniatures. They will automatically take part in next month voting.

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:

[poll id=”13″]

The poll is open for two weeks, which is until March 17th. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum and will take part in voting “Miniature of the Year 2012”. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain your votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!

Miniature of the month: December 2012

Welcome in this very last Miniature of the Month edition in year 2012. Make your choice and choose your favourite miniature posted in December here at Chest of Colors.

Authors say

Now here is what the authors said about their works:

I have finally finished this project. It took me ages but most of the time it was me trying to come up with the substitute of the chain that broke but I got too tired with it and fixed the original.
All in all I am actually quite happy with this mini.
— k_dash

This was one of the first miniatures I’ve painted since starting again. Painted it as a gift for a very close friend who I’ve spent most of my life trying to hit with various forms of medieval weaponry!
— kirisute

Miniatures of the month December

Who can enter the competition

Everyone! Yes, that’s true. Have you ever considered competing and trying your skills with other great painters? This is a great opportunity. 🙂
It’s all very simple – just log into our forum and post pictures of your miniatures. They will automatically take part in next month voting.

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:


The poll is open until the end of January. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum and will take part in voting “Miniature of the Year 2012”. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain your votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


UPDATE: This time the winner is JerzyK, with a pretty solid win. Honorable mentions go to Arbal and Slawol. Thanks for your interest and congratulations!

6th Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange is here

As you surely remember, Miniature Exchanges became our community’s tradition. We can enjoy them thanks to the coordinator of Chest of Colors Miniature Exchanges, Nameless, who prepared something for our faithful readers again!

He says that you know something was well done when people come back for more. As his PM box got full of requests for another Mini Exchange, he knew it was the time to keep the promises he had made. 🙂

6th Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange

Yes, we have yet another Miniature Exchange. We invited our users to take part in the 6th Chest of Colors Mini Exchange. If you received an invitation from us, this means you meet this edition’s requirements. And if you didn’t, well, nothing is lost. There can always be another chance, so read the rules, check this editions requirements and you will be prepared for the kind of conditions you will have to meet to qualify for our future Chest of Colors Miniature Exchanges.

So let’s move on to the rules…

Rules of the 6th Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

  1. If you want to participate, send the following data to Nameless’ e-mail address (PMs, e-mails sent to other addresses, phones etc. won’t be accepted – Nameless doesn’t care if he has your address already; send the above data as requested and Nameless will reply to confirm receipt of your application) by the 23rd of December:
    • Chest of Colors nick
    • first and last name
    • post address
  2. You need to meet at least one of the following requirements at the announcement date if you want to participate (We have the database, so you don’t need to check this information by yourself ;)):
    • membership in the Chest of Colors group or the Chest of Colors Painting Studio
    • at least 30 posts since the 5th Miniature Exchange
    • at least 25 “thanks” received since the 5th Miniature Exchange
  3. Nameless will randomly choose a recipient for each of the participants by the 30th of December. You will only receive an e-mail including data concerning your recipient. This means that you will know who you are painting for (of course), but you will not know who is painting for you.
  4. You have ca. 2 months to paint a single 25-35mm mini on foot. Mini needs to be sent on the 4th of March 2013 (Monday) at latest. Please send me an e-mail to the aforementioned address to confirm shipping and receipt of a mini. Avoid delays if possible. We all know that life can get in your way and shit happens all the time. That’s why we are giving you 2 months for painting. It’s more than enough. If you have some true problems to finish your mini, please let me know in due time. Do not run away from us, we’ll find a way to resolve such situation. Please, take your time now and think about your commitments for next few months. Are you sure you can paint a mini in 2 months?
  5. It’s up to you what mini you choose for your recipient. Nobody expects you to paint to a contest-winner standard, but a bit of effort is of course welcome. It’s about having fun, surprise and sending gifts to fellow painters and members of Chest of Colors.
  6. We like the element of surprise in our Mini Exchanges. Do not let your recipient know that you are painting for him/her and/or what you are painting for him/her.
  7. Take a photo of a mini you painted. We’ll have a special thread opened for posting ME pics. Do not comment on minis there, it will only serve for showcase purposes. You are of course allowed to post pics in your own thread to have some discussion about your paintjob.
  8. Minis need to be shipped as registered letters/packages. Please leave your receipt for future reference.

Want to participate?

Now the 6th Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange became a fact. The deadline for sending your applications has passed and if you want to participate in a Miniature Exchange here, stay tuned for the announcement (it’s best to follow our miniature painting forum for this purpose) and prepare to meet the conditions of participation. And in the meantime why don’t you check the galleries of our previous Miniature Exchanges.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to ask them in comments or in the forum.

Thank you for your time. Good luck and all the best for the holiday season!

Miniature of the month: November 2012

Merry Christmas everyone! It’s so cold outside that it really makes you stay at home and put some paint on miniatures. Remember now until the end of the year you can paint and post a photo of your miniature and take part in December edition of Mini of the Month.

Authors say

Now here is what the authors said about their works:

So long time since I posted something on this great forum. Here is a Dark angels librarian who was done as a test, finished him in about 5-6h. Since it was a quick paint job I´m rather pleased with him, still some pointers would be useful if I decide to go back to him some day.
— synthet

Here are the Imperial fist 5 man crew from the 1st space crusade game board they were painted for the owner of the game with the intention being abused during the game battles. They have a lots of weapons some are magnetized since the support was broken along time ago
— Pandadosmares

This time i spend my work for a Space Wolves Landraider and tried to make him outstanding with some add ons and a level 4 Higher TT Painting. To make the Rust i used the “Salt Technique” combined with the “Wipe Off Technique”. Using those techniques a great realistic used effect on the whole model. In the normal out of the Box Land Raider are no Space Wolves drivers added so i searched my bitz box and also added some Forge World Icons and things.
— J W P

Miniatures of the month November

Who can enter the competition

Everyone! Yes, that’s true. Have you ever considered competing and trying your skills with other great painters? This is a great opportunity. 🙂
It’s all very simple – just log into our forum and post pictures of your miniatures. They will automatically take part in next month voting.

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:


The poll is open until the end of December. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum and will take part in voting “Miniature of the Year 2012”. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain your votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


This month’s winner is Corvus and honorable mentions go to JerzyK and Zuntar. Congratulations, guys!

Miniature of the month: October 2012

Welcome back! Yeah I know… you really missed our game. 🙂 Please excuse me for making you wait so long for the next edition of Miniature of the month! This time we have 24 miniatures for you to choose from.

Last month there was the biggest painting competition in Poland – Hussar 2012. Unfortunately this year I couldn’t come, but still I can try my skills with some great painters like Ana, Bohun, Flameon, Ctan and many, many others. If you would like to make them a challenge, then try to paint a miniature, post it on Chest of Colors forum and try to win. 🙂

And remember you can also take part in the next month’s edition of Miniature of the Month!

Authors say

Now here is what the authors said about their works:

I would like to introduce myself and present to You some of my works to be judged and commented.
Firstly my recent work in almost se-nmm, almost because there is no horizon line. Wanted to make him more gold-like but in the process no yellows were added and so it came more patina-bronze.
Mad Puppet miniature, 55mm
— madfly-art

In preparation for Halloween, here are some horror I painted last week. 02282, Ghoul Warrior sculpted by Bob Ridolfi and 02941, Ghouls and Ghast sculpted by Ben Siens, all by Reaper Miniatures. I’ve cut the Ghoul Warrior arm to meet the needs of the diorama I’m working on now for Reaper Halloween Contest.
I used Vallejo cork brown as base color for the skin. Then, I applied a flat brown wash and blended some highlights with green gray and dark flesh which in fact are not dark at all. I finished with purple bruises and different tones of flat red mixed with charcoal color for the blood.
— Metalchaos

Miniatures of the month October

Who can enter the competition

Everyone! Yes, that’s true. Have you ever considered competing and trying your skills with other great painters? This is a great opportunity. 🙂
It’s all very simple – just log into our forum and post pictures of your miniatures. They will automatically take part in next month voting.

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honourable mentions. The number of honourable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:


The poll is open until the end of November. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum and will take part in voting “Miniature of the Year 2012”. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain your votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


UPDATE: This month’s winner is Ana with her Nokjagerin, and honorable mentions go to CTan and Marta. Congratulations!