I continue to paint fantasy terrain accessories. This time I finished 3 resin columns from Secret Weapon Miniatures. Two of them are made as whole and one is in pieces. Thanks to airbrush, it was a fast painjob. After preshading I painted shadows with inks and highlighted the edges. In the end I could not resist to paint some cracks on them to break plain surfaces.
Here is a picture with 28mm miniatures for scale:
(click to see bigger photo)

what were the steps to achieve these beautiful results as I would like to have a go replicating it! thanks!!
Thanks. Here is what I did:
– spraying the columns with light grey primer,
– airbrushing with light brown color (tops of all the elements in lighter shade than bottoms),
– applying several layers of diluted sepia ink mixed with smoke ink in the recesses,
– drybrushing the edges with yellow/white paint,
– painting the cracks with light yellow and dark brown thin lines.
I think that’s all 🙂