1001 Ways to paint Yarry (warning: 101 pics)

Do you know Yarry from the Enigma Miniatures? I’m sure you do, it seems to be one of the most favourite models of hobbyists all around the world 🙂

Not that I’m surprised, it’s a really cool miniature representing a standard hobbit – small body, big heart and hairy feet – and you could surely paint it as one…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

…but it would be a bit boring. It is always good to make a background story for models you paint, isn’t it? You could make a pretty decent farmer or animal breeder…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Longer legs would surely be helpful to have a good look at all sheep in the flock… but something is still missing here. He’s such a handsome chap, true heartbreaker, ladies surely fight each other to get to him …

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

As you can see on the last pic, Yarry would be great as a comic book character. Here’s another proof, if you’re not convinced…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Comic books are really popular among Hollywood screenwriters nowadays. Yarry – an actor? Perfect candidate for the Oscar award, if you ask me!


Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry


Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

70’s musicals…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Fantasy trilogies…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

By the way, I didn’t know that Aragorn was a hobbit. Anyway, acting is good and profitable, but being a music star is much more exciting…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

… a music star playing something good, please…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

…much better now, thank you! Hobbits are well known sport-fans, so Yarry might want to be a sportsman, too. If only he could make up his mind and decide which of the sport disciplines suits him best!


Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry


Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry


Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry


Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry


Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Right, on that last pic Yarry looks like a bad MF, not a sportsman. It’s rude to say MF, so let’s just assume he sometimes resembles a devil and acts as one…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

You know what? Frankly speaking it doesn’t matter who he is… He’ll always be the same, good ol’ Yarry…

Photo: 1001 ways to paint Yarry

This was my humble homage to invention, imagination and skills of modellers and painters. You guys keep me surprising every single day. Thank you for that.

PS: All images were used without any permission granted. I do hope that none of the painters and/or Raul Garcia Latorre mind using their pics.

— Nameless

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