I like to paint models from Dark Sword Miniatures, and this one was no exception. I had to re-interpret it a bit to make it different, but I think you got used to this approach with me… 😉

Officially the miniature represents Tam Lin, a character from a Scottish ballad, and is very nice in itself. Unfortunately there has already been an official paintjob for this model, done by Jessica Rich, to there was no use going for the original concept.

So I came up with my own concept for the model, making it The Autumn Miniature. I turned the horse into a landing pegasus and made it a bit more dynamic.

I hope the concept is interesting enough as I really enjoyed working on this model (convrting, painting all the freehands, etc). I finished it in early 2017, but somehow didn’t find time to post it here yet.
Here are all the photos: