The last two genestealers from Space Hulk set are now finished (there were 22 Genestealers and 1 Broodlord in total).
Tyranid Broodlord
Here is Tyranid Broodlord from Space Hulk set. I painted him (just like all the previous genestealers) in Hive Fleet Leviathan color scheme.
Tyranid swarm vol. 3
Tyranid swarm vol. 2
Some time ago I posted pictures of Tyranid Genestealer squad. Here are another nasty aliens!
(click to see bigger photo)
Tyranid swarm
Recently I painted Space Hulk Genestealers squad of 5. Painted the same colors (Hive Fleet Leviathan paint scheme) as Tyranid Broodlord I did some time ago.

I know that 5 Tyranids is no swarm, but still it’s quite many for me 😉 And even more are on the way!