Svanhild the Sure – swift female archer from Red Box Games. This is my second version of this miniature – the previously painted version is HERE.
Mother Hermione’s Host part 3
Here is substantial reinforcement of Mother Hermione’s Host in form of two knights with seriously looking two-handed weapons. Sir Richard of Chalton with head chopping sword and Captain Carson of Guilling with bone crushing mace. It could not be more serious than that!
Here are all 8 figures from the warband painted so far:
(click to see bigger photo)
I have only two more left 🙂
Svjanostroir the Seeker
Svjanostroir the Seeker – another noble elven mage from Red Box Games. This time I tried strong green color for the robe.
Ingrior Of Aelfheim
Ingrior Of Aelfheim – another of Red Box Games elves. The color scheme suggests that she could be a part of Lothern Sea Guard. Or maybe she really is?
Aurelius the Adept
Another elven sorcerer from Red Box Games – this time Aurelius the Adept. Maybe red robe is not typical for an elf, but who says that all the elves must wear green clothes 😉