It was really nice to paint something from Rackham Confrontation again. Repentant joins my Wolfen howling pack. More are to follow 🙂

It was really nice to paint something from Rackham Confrontation again. Repentant joins my Wolfen howling pack. More are to follow 🙂
It’s time to start new year with miniature from good old Confrontation. I present you Ardokath the Watchful One, Kelt Drunes leader. This guy is really HANDY 🙂
Killyox is one of the most feared and respected Pack Leaders of Diisha and none would dare oppose this terrifying warrior. Some claim, however, that he has lost Yllia’s favours and has left his brethren. Be he a pack leader who imposes his authority by force or a pariah on the paths of exile, Killyox nevertheless remains a predator of unequalled ferocity.
Here comes massive reinforcement for my Confrontation Wolfen force. It was a plaesure to paint this ancient Rackham miniature, although considering his size it was quite time-consuming.
And here he is in company of his pack:
(click to see bigger photo)
Here is Gwahyr the Merciless, Drune Persecutor champion. A mini that concludes my persecutors unit (I painted 5 Drune Persecutors in total) and is my 13th Drune from Rackham Confrontation 🙂 Maybe I should make a family photo of the whole warband when I finish another member…
If you wondered what minis I plan to put on my own made (with help of Textured Rolling Pins) bases, now you know – Rackham Confrontation Ophidian Alliance. This is first mini – Ophidian Syhe, one of human slaves of mighty snakes. Do you also think that she forgot to wear most of her armor? 😉