New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012

My has been a month full of new releases in so many domains that it was really hard to choose. When we did our first article for the releases of March-April, there were already lots of minis but this month, it’s even more. Don’t get me wrong, this is great; it just makes it hard to pick some good samples from those domains to try to cover most of the manufacturers. Anyway, enough of “moaning”, let’s see what and I have selected for you guys. Hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂

Hero scale (heroic or sci-fi): Antenociti’s Workshop did those great looking vehicles and must see how well detailed they are.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (1)

Hellspawn: Those vehicles looks nice yeah, they look good and would nicely suit any futuristic army. I stayed simple on my choice for a Sci-Fi release and went for a well known manufacturer, ie Forge World. This month, the version they released of the Terminator is really great imo, I really like those mini Contemptors. 🙂

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (2) Check this great and majestic pirate from Tale of War, he is cool, well sculpted and has lots of character. I really that such sculpts really will make this company more popular. We all like pirates don’t we?

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (3) Bushido is well known for their Far East style miniatures. This ninja looks really cool and very dynamic, or Hellspawn do you recommend something different?

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (4)

Hellspawn: Well, not everyone loves pirates or ninjas hehehe, and my choice this month goes for the re-release of the Forsaker from Kingdom Death. And I must admit that I was weak cause I ordered this guy from Cool Mini or Not already 😛

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (5)

Proxies: Puppet Wars are quite known for going with the flow of Games Workshop releases. Good for us, we have more to choose from. 😀

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (6) Willy Miniatures did some great looking mummies for any fantasy football game. Those mummies look scary and surely will spread terror on the pitch.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (7)

Hellspawn: Those are cool indeed, but look at what our friend Scibor from Scibor Monstrous Miniatures made:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (8)

This dwarf would make a really nice general for a dwarf army, wouldn’t he?

Conversions parts/Accessories: Hasslefree Miniatures did those cool bits, not only they make sculpting easier, but can also be great bits to put on diorama.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (9)

Hellspawn: Those are nice, even to use when you want to convert your army. As for the sculpting part, I really like what Masquerade Miniatures made this month. Check this out:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (10)

They released previously some similar stuff to sculpt wires etc. but now, they keep going with fur. You’re gonna say, “Fur is easy to sculpt” but even if it’s easy, this tool will save you some precious time.

Busts: Yet another month we are getting an interesting bust, this time it is a commissar from Castle Miniatures. You might say that it is a Games Workshop rip-off, but I prefer to call it just an inspiration.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (11) And it’s another month that Knight Models keeps releasing something great. As much as I like bigger scale models, this time I couldn’t find any that I would like to have as much as this Iron Man bust:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (12)

Hellspawn: if you read our article from last month you already know that I’m not the bust type of guy, but I must admit that this version of Iron Man is nice.

Large scale (54mm or above):

Hellspawn: There are so many releases in the scale of 54mm and above that it was hard to choose. But this month my vote goes for this Praetorian Guard from Scale 75

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (13)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (14)

Not only he’s nice, but Scale 75 is providing extras to go with that let you personalize it and it’s a nice move I think because you can either make him a Praetorian Guard or a Gladiator. Really cool uh?

Worst miniature:

Hellspawn: Some time ago BaneBeasts/BaneLegion used to surprise us with lots of awesome releases and incredible paintjobs.This month, though, one of the minis they released is just ugly. Check this out:

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (15)

The pose is ugly, and her boobs are sooo oversized that they look like missiles, and what is she leaning on? Invisible wall? This mini is IMO a complete waste of resin.

Though with boobs like that, maybe Maelstrom wanted to have her competing in our next category, the boobs of the month? Too bad she ended in the previous one. 😀

Boobs of the month: Another release from Tale of War, this time it is Ana the Rodrigo and her dog for me it means that company is the biggest winner for this month, with second nomination in this compilation.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (16)

Hellspawn: Well, I’m sorry to tell you but regarding the boobies contest, she’s gonna lose cause the guys from Studio McVey released a lady with serious assets.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (17)

Interesting to come: Great white shark from Yedraho Models looks very interesting. You don’t always have to paint something for an army, and this one could be very relaxing to paint.

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Hellspawn: In the interesting thing to come topic, there is soooo much to say this month that I don’t even know where to start. First of all, I think that we can’t pass on the awesome miniatures that Hawk Wargames will be releasing next month for their game: Dropzone Commander. Those minis will be available next month but they’re already available as preorders.

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (19)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (20)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (21)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (22)

The other awesome thing is something from Tabletop-Art. At the RPC Germany festival they showed what they’ll be releasing for conversions of Games Workshop vehicles and I must admit, I’m a big fan. Can’t wait to see those in shops. 🙂

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (23)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (24)

New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012 (25)

So this is it

Our selection for this month is now complete.
Don’t forget that this is a hand selection of what we ( and I) think are the best ones, but of course, there are plenty of others and we’ll be happy to discuss those with you on our forum in the manufacturers thread. It has lots of topic from most of the manufacturers. Feel free to pop in and say hi and have a chat with us in there.

— Hellspawn &

2 thoughts on “New releases: Hand-picked miniatures of May 2012”

  1. I must say I am very happy to see Hawk Wargames’ miniatures included in this collection. They are 10mm models and it’s somehow uncommon for such small scale models to be mentioned on this website.

    And to say the truth, what I have seen so far makes me think these must be some of the finest 10mm miniatures available.

    Add those excellent mummies from Willy Miniatures and you have a nice set of gaming miniatures, which could also be interesting for a painter 🙂

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