Hello again! March was very productive at the Chest of Colors forum. This month you can see some great entries in the Miniature of the Month March 2012 gallery. The pictures I collected come from various sections of the forum.
Two of those places are the members’ own threads in Polish and English sections of the forum. The third source of photos is the Tale of Gamers thread.
Have fun, enjoy watching the miniatures and remember that you can always give feedback to the authors at the forum!
Authors say
Here are some comments from the authors of this month’s entries:
I finished this paintjob a few weeks ago. It’s meant to take part in the Lowlands competition at Games Workshop. And therefore, I tried painting it Eavy Metal style. All metallics are painted NMM. The gems are painted with a gloss varnish after I took the pictures.
If you have any feedback and suggestions for my next mini, please share them— MaGie
Time for a new mini. I have been working on this for a while. halfway through this mini i suddenly got my layering/gradient to work so this mini is painted with a mix of technics but I am happy about the final result. it is also my first attempt with OSL. This is a great mini to paint had a lot of fun but in my opinion the eye are Honorable to paint as they are sculpted as two small “spots”. I am looking forward to your comments.
— Little Jimbo
Hi – for some years I’ve been collecting some models to make an army of dark elves. I don’t like the games workshop flashy clean , fair skined – pissed off – overspiky dark elves so I gathered verious models from past date confrontation, Hordes and my own convertions of Games workshop and confrontation models. Here are some things I’ve already done and I hope to post new stuff as it goes but still I don’t have a proper skill or camaera to make better photos. I will try to push some discipline as there are some other big projects comming an the current games workshop rulespack does not motivate me to play so I’m making an army with 7th edition in mind and hoping for better future.
— Rzymek
Miniatures of the month March
Rules and voting
Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.
OK, so now you should be ready to vote:
Voting has ended
The poll is open until the end of April. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.
Feel free to comment on this month’s entries, explain why you voted the way you did, or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thank you!
UPDATE: The winner of this month’s poll is C’Tan, with honorable mentions going to Irkuck and Le6n. Congratulations!
Voted for the following:
P1per: Simply cause the paintjob on Seamus is awesome as so is the tutorial he made about it
Irkuck : love the gold NMM, the green, the sword, splendid work
MaGie: breathtaking freehand on the flames, and the rest of the mini is so great aswell.
MaGie – love the shiny NMM, and the general atmosphere of the model. Looks just like a high elf hero should.
Tuffskull and Le6n – both for similar reasons: they presented quality works, but both showed something that isn’t commonly presented here. A caricature bust and a mecha model – I would love to see more of such uncommon works presented here, especially if they keep similar high quality of such works 🙂
I think this month is so interesting! Here are my picks:
#1: Corvus – I think it is his best work and it tells a nice story, he also painted it in few hours only!
#3: MaGie – great NMM, very ‘evy Metal painting 🙂
#8: Tuffskull – great and uncommon model
Cngratulations C’tan, Irkuck and Le6n!
New poll wil come soon 🙂