Miniature of the month: April 2012

Hello! This time our Miniature of the Month April article will have to do with a shorter introduction.

A wide selection of diferent miniature ranges can be found in this month’s selection of miniatures. A few of them took part in different competitions like Salute, Wamp contest or Duke of Bavaria. Check the authors’ threads at the forum to see how those entries were done and did they do in competitions.

Have fun, enjoy watching the miniatures and remember that you can always give feedback to the authors at the forum!

Authors say

Here’s what some painters said about their works:

And here’s my entry for the Studio McVey competition on the WAMP forum. I thought I’d try some colors I haven’t used very much. I was surprised that I finished this one in about a week, as it usually takes me much longer to finish something.
— pae

My brother sent me a lot of Scibor’s gobos. I love the character of these minis. I had lots of problems with the pics and these are the best of about 20 pics.
— jason

I decided to consider the piece done and gave up earlier plans what can yet be added etc – model took me already too much time so my glass case will have to deal with it somehow. There’s actually a big hole behind the back wheel – which was supposed to be for snotlings or grots or whatever these little bastards are called in Kromlech 😀 The fence was a tough opponent – it’s really hard to shape properly… I added some fences on the game table and after the fence was bent with pliers I cannot re-make it straight again.
— demi_morgana

Miniatures of the month April

Rules and voting

Everybody can vote for 3 miniatures of their choice. There will be one Miniature of the Month (the winner) and up to two honorable mentions. The number of honorable mentions will be reduced if two miniatures tie for the title of the Miniature of the Month, so the maximum number of awarded entries is 3.

OK, so now you should be ready to vote:

Voting has ended

The poll is open until the end of May. The results will be posted after the poll is closed and the winner will receive a honorary badge to display in his profile on our miniature painting forum. In case of a tie, the badge will be awarded to the winners. Up to two models will also receive honorary mentions.

We encourage you to comment on this month’s entries, explain you votes or even discuss votes of other users – we’ll be happy to read what you have to say. So don’t be shy and share your opinion with us. Thanks a lot!


UPDATE: This month we had some technical problems with voting, but we decided to award the title anyway. Moreover, we shouldn’t grant more than 2 honorable mentions, but because of the technical difficulties, we decided to grant it to 3 users, who collected equal numbers of votes. So the winner of this month’s poll is Le6n, with honorable mentions going to CTan, Atacam and Pae. Congratulations!

7 thoughts on “Miniature of the month: April 2012”

  1. ScottRadom – this monkey is soooooo funny, so my vote is yours
    Marta – I love this bones on base, mini too, congratz
    Le6n – it blow my mind, fantastic clothes!

  2. Pae – great miniature and color selection
    Atacam – great paint job
    Smok – really nice diorama

  3. Le6n – great technique for a evocative atmosphere
    Marta – an intense sense of fear from a very well interpretated miniature
    Ctan – a smooth and technically perfect interpretation of a Salamanders’ vehicle

  4. Wow, thanx to you all. When my friend Dakan told me that I am in the selection for april’s Miniature Of The Month, I just said – another chance to get my ass kicked. Newer thought I could win. Means much to me and inspires to next projects. Thanx again! Also congratulation to CTan, Atacam, Pae and all from the selection, there are fantastic pieces…

    1. This was a very good month for the Miniature of the Month series! Not only with good paintjobs but also interesting vignettes…
      Congratulations folks!

      And Le6n, the miniatures in the compilation are always collected from the works presented at our forum. So if you post a new miniature to the forum, will take it for the Miniature of the Month compilation.

      Keep painting, guys, and enjoy the Miniature of the Month series – brought to you by our mate, Thanks bro!

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