Home » Updates » Lions of Alahan WIP
I am painting a group of Lions of Alahan, So to keep myself motivated I decided to post a few photos…
Lions of Alahan WIPAnd here are a few more WIP shots:
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP
Lions of Alahan WIP I hope to finish them before the end of the month 🙂
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WOW! Great job. It’s so nice to see that I am not the only one who is painting Rackham stuff anymore. I cannot wait to see finished figures.