Golden Slayer Sword, ‘EM Paint Masters category and more…


Games Workshop made some changes for Golden Demon this year: new guidelines for each category and created new ones.

I have to admit I love ‘EM Paint Masters category, where hobbyists have to paint model nominated by ‘EM painting team. This year it will be a plastic Eldar Farseer straight from the box: no conversions, no other kitbashing and base supplied. I’m sure it’s going to be very hard challenge for all painters and great opportunity to see many variations of this beautiful model! I’m not going this year, so I can’t wait to see gallery!

I also can’t wait to see this new Golden Slayer Sword prize 🙂

Here you can read about the updated rules.

And what do you think about it?

P.S. Title pic with Golden Demon event comes from Warhammer World official site.

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