Mahon’s works: Other miniatures Troll Troll Troll Troll Robot, Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange #6 entry Robot, Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange #6 entry Robot, Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange #6 entry Templar of Day Templar of Day Templar Templar Elf Archer Elf Archer Elf Archer Dark Elf Sorceress Elf Prince Elf Prince Elf Prince Elf Archer Elf Archer Fairy in a glass Fairy in a glass Fairy in a glass Fairy in a glass Fairy in a glass Familiar Familiar Familiar Familiar Grundor the barbarian Grundor the barbarian Grundor the barbarian Grundor the barbarian Grundor the barbarian Grundor the barbarian Grundor the barbarian Elf Prince Hawthorne Elf Prince Hawthorne Elf Prince Hawthorne Elf Prince Hawthorne Elf Prince Hawthorne Kizia Mizia Kizia Mizia Kizia Mizia Paladin Paladin Revenant Revenant Tattooed Devil Tattooed Devil Witch Witch Zed Dracula Dracula