you got ther Canon 1000D
I am currently adding +.7 light,
end this is caind of to far
- well i would sey - make photos in "RAW" format - then using a program to expouse RAWs add or remove Evaluacion -
RAW - preservers much more data about colors end contrast then JPG
RAW in not expoused by "automat" in camera - you need do it by your own but thanx to that you mey manualy corest exposure
end yup your phosos are badly evaluated - to bright on low contrast ... end well trayed to fix that .. but it is much easer to fix under evaluated photo then over evaluated
Yup new "mole man" look better then old 1 but WiP looks beter then finished .. - i blame photos for it
make a RAW photo - end use it - if you dont know "how to" send it to me or Mahon