In the past I painted a few models of followers of Tzeentch, including some sorcerers, champions and knights. Then I had a longish break from painting Warhammer models. But I was asked to paint some Tzeentch models again and rediscovered the fun in painting them.
This was in 2020 and although I showed this Kairos Fateweaver model in several places already, I never added it to my gallery here. And my gallery would be so incomplete without it, so here it goes!

Kairos Fateweaver’s base
This project took much more time than I wanted, mainly because of the base. Initially I had a slightly different idea for it, but eventually we got it 3d-sculpted and 3d-printed.
The idea was that the Kairos Fateweaver daemon is emerging from a magical vortex created in some kind of an opening or magical portal. When viewed from above, the shape of the base forms the symbol of Tzeentch.

The ever-changing Changer of the Ways
The model is full of colors, ideas and details. I know it makes focusing on one focal point difficult. That’s right, because there isn’t any. Or not just one. I had the idea of Tzeentch being the chaos power of constant change and magic, would distort and mutate everything all the time. So things would keep changing, focus would keep shifting and attention wouldn’t remain on just one spot.

I know this probably made the model more difficult to “read” and understand. But I am still happy with how it turned out.

And it also reminded me of the fun that I used to have painting those Warhammer models. So I am painting them again. I have a few next projects planned already, so if you would like me to paint anything for you, please let us know. This will allow us to arrange everything and get you a place in the queue for our miniature painting service. 🙂