It’s been a long time since I finished this model but I never posted photos of its finished version here, so now I present to you Triss Merigold, statue produced by Dark Horse for CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt line of collectibles, and also my first take on collectible statue repaints.

Triss is a character from the Witcher stories. The statue depicts her in the same way we know from the popular video game.

As the original product was created as a mass-produced collectible, the quality of painting reflected it. But it was also insufficient for a painter, used to much higher standards. So the natural solution was to journey into the land of statue repaints!

I decided to repaint the statue to bring her closer to the image from the games. The statue I am presenting is the repainted version. If you want to take a peek into the process of repainting, you can check the three articles I posted to our webste. Here is part 1, here is part 2 and here is part 3.

Here is a video of the completed model (mute it if you aren’t prepared for sounds to blast from your speakers :D).
As I expected, this quality of painting attracted interest of collectors, so sadly this model is no longer available. If you would like to get your statue a more solid paintjob, it’s completely possible. Feel free to contact us about it. 🙂

Height of the statue was 24cm. Production date was 2016 and I repainted it in 2020.