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Giant OOP Chaos dwarf army selling

Posted: 4 Apr 2013, o 11:20
by Honeym123
One giant OOP Chaos Dwarv army!

It is a long time since an army of this size has been sold off, so grap your chance to be a part of one of the greatest OOP armies the warhammer world have ever seen! Grap this rare vintage army before it's gone. Some models need asemble but most is all ready ready for gaming! For your information, when I write 41 infernal Gaurds with command group, the command group is included in the total number. Pics in link at bottom.

The army includes:

2 Prophets on Lammasus- Metal!
1 Prophet on Taurus - metal - never painted!

2 Demon Smiths Metal!
3 Dark Castellans (2 speciel old character) -Metal - one have banner poles with the attached banners, 1 have the two banner poles, 1 will include two banners to be drilled in!

41 Infernal Gaurds - 23 Metal (Including two command gropus - one banner even have the original banner attached to the pool)!
46 Infernal Gaurds with blunderbuss including two command groups. All metal! (The banner poles are intact but dont have banners attached)

7 Wolf Riders with banner (1 needs a base) - some have never been painted!
18 Wolf riders including one muscician and two banners (one of the banner poles have been broken and need regluing)!
- alot of the tales have been come off but comes in a bag seperatly and needs to be glued - i also include in this goody bag an ekstra banner bearer with banner (the banner have been broken and needs fixing). - somewhere in here are the original Wolf Boyz I belive - Im pretty certain one of the Khans on wolf are the one from that set in any case). Some of theese are metal, some are not

4 Khans on foot! - Metal
3 Khans on wolf (I belive one of theese are the original Wolf Boyz Khan!) -Metal!

3 Earthquake Mortars - Metal - 1 with banner pole and banner
3 Deathschrieker rockets - Metal (with two ekstra missile carries and one ekstra "over here" man).

21 Centauers (5 is missing base) -Metal- ! - 1 is a homemade Taruk, made from the blood bowl set. This includes one banner-bearer with Pole and banner. 5 have never been asembled. One is missing an arm and one is missing a hand weapon. 4 Bodies need gluing to the animal.

46 Cut throats with HW -Metal - including 1 Banner bearer with banner and 1 muscian (8 is missing a base)!
29 Cut throats with Bow (5 is missing base) -Metal- Including 1 banner bearer (banner is broken off and needs fixing) and 1 Musician!

1 (What I belive to be a profet or Astragoth) on Stilts Very Rare! -Metal

Be the lucky one to grap theese OOP rare Chaos Dwarfes before they are gone to a collecter! ... ves?page=1