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Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 20:30
by trobwal
As stated in my introduction i'm still learning the rope's of miniature painting..... so i don't have that much models to showcase....

However this one i'm verry proud off.....

This is from andrea miniatures in the pin up series (have a thing for lady's, dunno why :p ) and i will be trying to do them all from this serie....

This one is the first one where i tried to add some depth by shading and highlighting...

I've been reading a lot and looking to Video's but still it's something u need practice and need to study hands on....

I'm quite proud at the end result altough it's nothing compared to the lvl of depth u guys are used to do on your miniature's.....

I just keep in mind that every body here stood once where i stand now and the only way is forward and better.....

This said time for a picture....

ImageClick to see full-sized image

ImageClick to see full-sized image

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 20:31
by Hellspawn
Thumbs up for the guy!
He knows how to catch the attention of the public...boobies and legs! :lol:

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 20:48
by trobwal
i have picture's of her naked behind as well... didn't know if it where appropriate to place them here...

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 21:14
by Hellspawn
trobwal wrote:i have picture's of her naked behind as well... didn't know if it where appropriate to place them here...
Well, talking about appropriate things, her naked behind wouldn't have been inappropriate (especially when you know what has already been posted around here I had to lose an eye to copy the following link, click at your own risks but after, I think you'll know that nothing is inappropriate, especially a naked butt : viewtopic.php?f=28&t=7653

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 22:16
by trobwal
lol....really scary picture there.... oh well then here it is then...

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 23:02
by Hellspawn
Heheh :)
So, my 2cts about the mini you showed us (keep in mind it's just my vision :) ): First of all, the painting is nice, especially if it's your first mini. As you said, everyone has been there at some point (god knows I'm still there too heheh) though there are a few things that could be improved.

Imo, the skin is a little too pinkish, looks like rubber doll BUT, it might be because of the close-up, cause when I look at it on the first photo, it's not shocking. Though, since the skin is a little too pink, the red for the lipstick isn't intense enough to my taste, but you did nicely choosing blue for the eyelash since it recall the blue on the napkin.
Talking about the napkin, there is a little too much blue on it, white isn't white enough (dunno if I'm clear enough). Shadows on the white are seen as blue, you're right, but it's a little bit too much, not subtle enough.

I talked above about the lipstick, saying it wasn't poping enough. Since you choose a brown colour for the sausage, depending on the angle of the picture, it's melting with the mouth, which gives a weird impression. Perhaps you should go for something a little more orange-ish colour for the sausage. But again, that's my taste :)

I like the colour used for the stockings and for the puppy :)

Last thing. It's the base, mini doesn't seems to fit on it, something missing, the cobblestone floor and the grass. Dunno if was the one that was provided with the mini but it's weird hehehe.

Anyway, don't see my post as a criticism because it's not. On a mini like that, I wouldn't have managed to get something as good as you did. I only talked about the things I would try to improve, but:
  • a) I'm usually having hard times working on the things peeps says about my minis,

    b) your mini is nicely done for a first mini (especially considering the size),

    and more important, and it's from Mahon (or Nameless perhaps, can't recall)

    c) mini is done so don't go back on it. You like it, then keep it. Don't waste time on trying making one thing perfect when you have completed it. Go forward on the next mini and try to improve on the next mini. What is done, is done :)
That was my 2ct :)

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 23:09
by trobwal
tnx man....

I can stand a bit critisism... especially if it's constructive......i will take your points of improving on to my next mini........

Tnx again.....

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, o 23:13
by Hellspawn
Well, you're welcome :) We're all here for feedback :)

Plus again, it wasn't criticism. I just tried to "stress" a few things :) I just hope I wasn't too harsh/hard for the first comment. :roll: If it's the case, my apologies cause it wasn't my intention.

As you'll see, my minis are freaking far away from being perfect, you'll find mold lines, holes, and other stuff that is just heresy for some peeps, but I'm painting for my pleasure and if my minis don't please others, as soon as they pleases me, then it's ok :)

And again, I spoke about MY vision, perhaps for some other, the skin color you used will be just fine, everyone has their vision :)

Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, o 18:13
by trobwal
i didn't take any offence on your post mate..... i understand that u want to stress out a few things and i'm glad you did..... in that way i can improve my painting skills.....

altough it is nice to hear all ooooh and aaah's i find posts like yours way more constructing....

And you're right about that you paint it for your own pleasure... i'm glad that u guys understand where i come from and that u can see my efforts on this.....

Hopefully my next mini will be better then this one..... but like i said i'm happy with the result and i'm going to take your 2cents in account for the next one...


Re: Hamburger lust

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, o 20:18
by Demi_morgana
Rrrr, no panties! :twisted:

As for painting - good idea is painting flesh with several thin layers of diluted paint to change the chue, give some depths and variety: it works especilly on large scale models.

Hellspawn probably wrote it already but I didn't care reading his stuff when there was pic of nekkid cook on my monitor :razz: