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Ax Faction
Posted: 2 Jun 2012, o 08:17
Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 8 Jun 2012, o 10:31
by Corvus
I like how each of these minis tells a story. Looks decently sculpted!
Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 8 Jun 2012, o 10:39
by Corvus
Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 2 Jul 2012, o 11:37
by Ariakas
Ax Faction published an artwork of their next release, the Troll Hunter:
Click to see full-sized image
Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 2 Jul 2012, o 20:20
by MiSiU
Oh my! Almost naked chick with medieval weapon. So original!
I love the concept picture but at the same time I'm afraid that it's impossible for the sculpt to live up to it. Hope they prove me wrong.

Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 31 Aug 2012, o 12:16
by Skrit
Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 1 Sep 2012, o 08:37
by MiSiU
Like I thought. The sculpt does not live up to the concept art. Would like to see it painted though.
Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 5 Sep 2012, o 17:32
by Red_Pilgrim
I discovered these guys the other day and bought one of each, I haven't painted for quite a while but have recently got back into things. I think that the miniatures are pretty cool, dynamic and well sculpted - its nice to find foxy ladies with good faces, if you know what I mean! I also too like how they each tell a story as Corvus says. It's nice that we have a small boutique company like this in the UK! I'm looking forward to receiving them and making a start.
Re: Ax Faction
Posted: 17 Nov 2012, o 20:03
by MiSiU
New Hunters from Ax Faction
Posted: 26 Nov 2012, o 13:44
by Ax Faction
I know some of our releases have appeared on the WAMP forum but thought you would like to see our latest releases, thanks for the support!
Click to see full-sized image
Click to see full-sized image
All the above are available from our website, along with the Forest Guardian & Broadfoot which has just been released! We will post up painted pictures shortly here on WAMP and feel free check out our Facebook page for further updates...
Thanks again!
Ax Faction
Hunting Doom-mongery in miniature