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Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 7 Mar 2013, o 23:52
by Hellspawn
Good luck :) I'll try to keep you company with my Salamanders army going on :)
True I have a bit of advance, but I still have a huge amount of stuff to paint :)

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 7 Mar 2013, o 23:57
by Nameless
don't need no luck, need your models :bonk: thx!

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 7 Mar 2013, o 23:59
by Hellspawn
Well, I'll check with post office as discuss, but I doubt that cost will be cheap sadly :(

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 8 Mar 2013, o 00:08
by Demi_morgana
I'll be your rotting cheer-leader :zombie:
That's solid pile of unpainted stuff to be removed!

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 9 Mar 2013, o 13:25
by Nameless
a quick pic (sorry for the quality) to meet the MA project requirement; at the beginning of each month participants need to show unpainted minis they want to paint during that month.
I should probably be painting machines to get bonus points for a March theme (Heavy Support),but:
1. I don't have them :bonk:
2. I feel I should start with a playable force (at least in theory)


so here are my plans for March, 2 units of Plague Marines, each with aspiring champion and special weapons ("black" - 2 plasma guns, "white" - 1 melta gun). 1 mini is painted, without a base though. I don't think I'm getting points for it. Who cares? I don't :)
13 minis, 14 bases, + dreadnought. You can't see it, cause I don't have it yet. I need to go to my friend's place to collect it :)

All plague marines are converted plastic models. Good-looking conversions are not mine, I bought them. Other conversions are mine :bonk:

Painting technique and colours have been decided. Not sure yet what to do with bases. Any ideas?

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 9 Mar 2013, o 14:18
by Hellspawn
Nameless wrote:2. I feel I should start with a playable force (at least in theory)

Painting technique and colours have been decided. Not sure yet what to do with bases. Any ideas?
2- Good start (which I didn't with my Salamanders) to have a playable force is to have two troops and one HQ)

Bases: home made or why not resin ones?

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 9 Mar 2013, o 14:23
by Nameless
home-made, simple, quick and cheap :)

btw, my submission was calculated and it amounts to 157 points. there are like 70 participants so far, with total points raging from 45 to 1028 :shock: I'm somewhere in the middle. of course, these are just theoretical values, and will be subject to many changes (one needs to paint minis to get points, bonuses, add-ons etc).

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 9 Mar 2013, o 14:28
by Hellspawn
I'll look into making nice home made nurgle stuff. Won't be too hard I think ;)
I wonder how much my submission would be as I have lots of unpainted minis for this batch (10 assault marines, one dread and three tanks) but 157 points is nice imo, means you gathered points and I doubt all participants have more than 300

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 9 Mar 2013, o 14:43
by Nameless
Hellspawn wrote:157 points is nice imo
I don't really care about the points, not even sure how the system works :bonk:
now, a painted army... that would be nice!

Re: Nameless Guard

Posted: 9 Mar 2013, o 15:56
by Demi_morgana
As for the bases - do simple sand + gravel but give it tone coresonding to the force's color theme. Should work imo :)