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Zombie motivational thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 14:15
by Demi_morgana
nothing is fun anymore for me:
gotta get some holiday, restart doing drugs or whatever;
but definitely have to stop hijacking others' threads
*stopping hijacking*

Re: Hussar 2011 - Warsaw, Poland, 22.10.2011

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 14:21
by Skrit
Demi, mate it's okay! I you want to chat let me know okay! :hug:

@Mahon: :yoda: :yoda: :yoda: :yoda: :yoda: :yoda: :yoda: TY!!! :lol:

Re: Hussar 2011 - Warsaw, Poland, 22.10.2011

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 14:33
Demi_morgana wrote:nothing is fun anymore for me:
gotta get some holiday, restart doing drugs or whatever;
but definitely have to stop hijacking others' threads
*stopping hijacking*
I dont care about thread hijack but i do care about the Zombie... Mate you need to find a couple guys to meet up and plan a project, GD invasion, Hussard hunting chicks, monthly get together, salute, hit the cat with the plinth week whatever makes you move your arse... seriously meeting panda over here was great for my motivation, specially because i was alone for many many years and you have plenty of folks there...

Besides I want to see the bug painted!!!

Mate the world at Portugal collapsed totally and its a trashed generation...all we have is our family and friends so lets kick every bad news as far away as possible and enjoy the short life we have :) :)

Re: Hussar 2011 - Warsaw, Poland, 22.10.2011

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 14:51
by mahon
if you wanna chat, Zombie, catch me. is the time right or not - that's what we're here for.
had worse times, too. hopefully now it's a bit better, or maybe I care less.

thread hijacking, WTF, isn't it our forum? ;)

Re: Hussar 2011 - Warsaw, Poland, 22.10.2011

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 15:26
by Hellspawn
I tried poking the Demi's on chat but he's afk most of the time :(
I do sometimes feeling like a zombie too, not being motivated for anything, but some kicks here and there help, and feedback provided by the communities around here really helped on keeping up the motivation.

Yeah, I haven't touched a brush in like three weeks, I'm stuck at the bottom of a mini wall that seems too high to jump on it, got no clues if I'll be having a job in a month or so, but seeing that peeps are enthousiastic just about my little ToG is nice, cause it shows me that peeps like what I'm doing and want to see a following, so yeah, took a break from painting, but it's just temporary to let the sparkling thingy regain strength :)

As peeps already said, try something else, maybe get some games going, look for other miniatures you aren't used to work with, go for some chick hunting (unless there's a missus around :D) raise some beers (raise one for me if you can ^^), dunno, anything that'll help you get the sparkling thingy shine again :D

Re: Hussar 2011 - Warsaw, Poland, 22.10.2011

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 15:35
by mahon
Hellspawn wrote:seeing that peeps are enthousiastic just about my little ToG is nice, cause it shows me that peeps like what I'm doing and want to see a following
that's why some folks start blogs or such project logs - showing them in public and seeing others follow them does some motivating...

I understand sometimes you just feel you're down in a hole, demotivated, depressed and nothing seems to be fun. You must be too busy, too exhausted, Demi. Been there. Maybe you're putting too much pressure on yourself?

Re: Zombie motivational thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 19:55
by Pandadosmares
D cheer up

Give me a D... ooops


Re: Zombie motivational thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 20:30
by arctica
I agree with Nav, you need to find something to help motivate you whether it's gaming more, or playing something new. Taking a break from it or seeing different models etc, may help to rekindle your passion for the hobby, i think we all get to certain points in the hobby where we lose interest and so for example in my case, i sold a huge chunk of the models i'd never use and started a new project and learnt how to play warmachine. It's helped me so much as i was quickly coming to a brickwall. Maybe you need a new warmachine opponent and i should come challenge you !

Re: Zombie motivational thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, o 20:57
Demi, don't worry. I had the same feeling and then I started painting my tales :) they keep me motivated.
The other thing are such events as the Hussar. After seeing so many nice miniatures I just can't wait to grab my brushes ;)

Re: Zombie motivational thread

Posted: 29 Oct 2011, o 10:58
by Demi_morgana
Cheers guys,
looks like I might just be tired - all I want to do is hide under a blanket and turn all lights off. Definitely don't wanna see other people.
Anyway thanks for the thread - I'll surely report when I get better.
Alho hopefully post some pics :)