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Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 16 Aug 2011, o 22:01
by kacpero
can't find topic with Jacques-Alexandre Gillois miniature line so i started a new one

some new releases..
Click to see full-sized image
Click to see full-sized image
Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 16 Aug 2011, o 23:00
by ToMaZ
I like these a lot!!
Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 16 Aug 2011, o 23:20
by Skrit
ToMaZ wrote:I like these a lot!!

Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, o 14:50
by mahon
I like them. Thanks for finding and posting them

Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, o 19:01
not my taste, but Brandy is original so I am really looking forward for their next releases!
Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, o 19:15
by Dargrin
I don't know about original....
I do like the above version better.
Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, o 19:20
by Skrit
Brandy, poor girl! That wrench is much too heavy for her, she's bending over but not in the right way!

Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, o 23:29
by arctica
Not really to my taste either but still pretty cool and well painted.
Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 19 Aug 2011, o 10:01
by mahon
I think Brandy looks better but it's still not my kind of miniatures.
Re: Miniature factory (JAG)
Posted: 30 Aug 2011, o 16:15
by MiSiU
I've seen those in RL during World Expo 2011 and must say I was taken by the ammount of detail in such small minis (yeah, and the paintjob in reality was also stunning). Bought myself Brandy, with no idea if I will find required courage to ever try and paint her.