Ok I think I can try and make my first event coverage...
Herzog von Bayern or
Duke of Bavaria contest takes place in Ingolstad (Audi city in Germany 70km away north from Munich) in an old castle.
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The whole event lasts for 3 days, from Friday till Sunday. The painting contest itself only two - Saturday and Sunday. SO you had to leave your minis overnight. Each day you had to buy a ticket (around 3 euros)
The contest
There were many categories to choose from:
1. Junior Cup
2. Beginner
3. Standard-Class
- Standard Painting
- Standard Open
- Standard Flats 30 mm
- Standard Flats over 30 mm
- Fantasy Standard Painting
- Fantasy Standard Open
4. Master-Class
- Master Painting
- Master Open
- Master Flats 30 mm
- Master Flats over 30 mm
- Fantasy Master Painting
- Fantasy Master Open
5. Dioramas / Vignettes
6. Out of competition
With some you had to decide what class are you - standard or master. Yes, you were deciding on your own. The only thing was - you couldn't enter in the same category for both classes.
Another thing different from some contests (Hussar, GD) - there was no limit for the number of entries in one category. You were given a space of about 30cmx30cm to make your own display:
The arrangement of the figures on the assigned displays will be done by the participant. The design of the display (Cloth, stairs, socket) is a freely selectable form.
There was no restriction for entries that took part in other contests or have won anything before.
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The people
Many, many people entering the contest and lots of families coming just to have a look. Lots of foreigners, many Italians were there. So I could hear more Italian than German some times. You could also hear Slovak or Czech -probably went past Lebn and haven't noticed him
I talked to Rusto (he said he remembered my face from the GD party in Poznan and that's how we started talking) and invited him to come to Hussar
The whole Massive Voodoo was there and you could every where see and hear them
They were not organizers. You could talk to them about their entries and generally everyone was very open to have a chat.
Around the display room
There was a place where you could take photos on entries. I think it was open, because there were lots of people wearing T-shirts with other forums logos and making photos.
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There were also some lectures. Mostly about painting – small scale, big scale, flats. They one I've been to were about sculpting(Stefan Niehues from Masqarade Miniatures) and making bases (Picster)
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Every thing was prepared and well organized.
Of course there was a place to spend some money
There were small companies with various staff
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and big names like Pegaso! The came with a huge display of their official paintjobs. The also had a place were their painters were painting so you could watch them live.
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My personal thoughts
In my personal opinion the rules combined with classes was a great decision
I could see and hold in my hands (!!!) some Slayer Sword winning entries (2 or 3)
If you want to see them in personal - now they are at my place
Lots of various stuff to watch and admire – flats, busts, large scale. And I think that is the spirit of the Duke of Bavaria – bring all stuff that you can paint and show it to others. The paintjobs were amazing on most of the entries and you could learn so much just by holding the piece in your hands.
So next year – definitely a 'must to be' for me
I am sorry for pictures quality, but I don't have my camera here with me