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good article on miniature photography @Cipher Studios

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, o 12:00
by Corvus
It's nearly a year old, but I found the link when sifting through some unpublished posts for my blog. Don't know if I shared it already... ... er-gaddis/

Re: good article on miniature photography @Cipher Studios

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, o 09:31
Your camera can take a white balance reading while pointed at basically anything, but my studies have convinced me that taking the reading against the gray card is infinitely more accurate.
is it really true? I am no expert and used to take a white one :mrgreen:

Re: good article on miniature photography @Cipher Studios

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, o 12:46
by Maru
well depend on camera but moust of cameras will interpret pure white as a light source not a s white, so yes if you posses a grey "grey" the 1 that is masured by dropers in Gimp / PS (just grey without adicional heues ) it will be more acurate