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sister of battle

Posted: 21 Dec 2009, o 07:12
by draconmagis

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 21 Dec 2009, o 11:07
by superhessianv
Hey! Great work!
Some suggestions:

- the tip of the gun needs to be pointed to the ground a bit more, otherwise it looks unnatural as gravity would make it pretty hard to hold it the way it is.
- the mouth looks to "sweet" for my opinion. Like a soda pop face. Maybe she could use a more worldly-wise expression.
- will she get a chain into her left hand like on the drawing? If not, the hand should be changed into a more lively position.

Cheerio and happy sculpting!

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 6 Jan 2010, o 22:14
by draconmagis

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 8 Jan 2010, o 06:57
by Wraithlord
Wow that is really coming along. The only problem I have with it is that the face seems kinda rough. It that just the pic or are you going to smooth it out a bit more later?

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 8 Jan 2010, o 09:15
by Demi_morgana
looks damn nice so far unfortunately I cannot disagree about the face :think:

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 9 Jan 2010, o 17:58
by Corvus
looks great, what scale is this?

I agree on the remarks about the face. I think the eyes aren't that well positioned, but I'll judge this once the model is painted.

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 10 Jan 2010, o 22:40
by draconmagis
165mm tall

and the eyes are a bit off im fixing that

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, o 00:02
by LadyEyes
The hair around the face could stand to be a little fuller to match the picture. It looks more "wind blown" in the picture, and a little thicker on either side of the face.

Re: sister of battle

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, o 06:38
by Neolis
other then what has said already and that I am sure your aware about the neck seems a little thin but that could be the angle of the photos.