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Heresy Miniatures

Posted: 28 Jul 2005, o 20:35
by fatgoblin
you can preorder the new Netherlord II now if you wish, pay a deposit and lock in a possibally cheaper price.

read all about it here

see here for wip pics of the beast ... _wip_1.htm

RE: Preorder Heresy Netherlord II

Posted: 28 Jul 2005, o 21:35
by messiah_182
Nasty looking face :) The right arm looks odd. Maybe it's a little to long.

RE: Preorder Heresy Netherlord II

Posted: 28 Jul 2005, o 21:55
by Demi_morgana
yeah, face is really nice; very dynamic pose - reminds me some rackham minis... :)

RE: Preorder Heresy Netherlord II

Posted: 28 Jul 2005, o 22:14
by mahon
I loved the first and still regert I didn't get it, but this one seems to be even more interesting

RE: Preorder Heresy Netherlord II

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 02:26
by Skrit
Massive! :shock: Great face!

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 08:16
Very nice green there. loved the dinamic and stylized look of the mini.. my only reserve goes to the overall equilibrium it feels like its going to flip to one side... but this is just a wip. so far awesome.

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 12:08
by Lonewolf
Got mine reserved :wink:
really should get round to putting my first one together sometime :roll:
Thats the only problem with the Netherlord, the assembly takes almost as long as the painting :lol:

The New one looks amazing though and i can't wait to get my grubby little bristles on it :twisted:

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 13:01
by illusionrip
i like had ever love this mini.......i think i'll buy it

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 13:40
by Demi_morgana
Lonewolf wrote:Thats the only problem with the Netherlord, the assembly takes almost as long as the painting :lol:
maybe but when i sat netherlord mini yesterday I just fell in love :D
great stuff - that's what lord of hell should look like :twisted:

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 14:58
by Lonewolf
Demi_morgana wrote:maybe but when i sat netherlord mini yesterday I just fell in love :D
great stuff - that's what lord of hell should look like :twisted:
not going to argue with you there.
Andy makes the best demons out there.
i've got a winged netherlord laying around just cant find the time to put him together (one day :wink: )