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Neolis' Wip

Posted: 14 Dec 2008, o 06:58
by Neolis
With my painter ADD I figure it would be better if I just made one thread for me to put any work in progress pics in. That way I will not choke the forums with all my paint brush ramblings. Oh and if you catch me wandering away from any one project for to long. Please call me out on it, some times I need the whip to keep me on task.

I figure I would start this thread in a big way.

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Posted: 14 Dec 2008, o 11:09
by ToMaZ
Paint it!

Any idea what you're going to use for the base?

Posted: 14 Dec 2008, o 11:17
by Demi_morgana
waiting for the results! :D

Posted: 14 Dec 2008, o 14:37
by Nameless
reaper paints + some other bottles, reaper dragon, wyrd mad hatter plus general mess... your paint station looks just like mine :mrgreen:

Posted: 14 Dec 2008, o 14:54
by Demi_morgana
mine looks worse ekhem... :whistle:

Posted: 14 Dec 2008, o 17:15
by Neolis
@ ToMaZ- going to the hobby shop going to a craft store today and picking up a little plate of wood for me to mount him too and a bolt to put on the bottom so I cam use my tripod.

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Which one does every one like the best? I figure I would scene it up to make it look like a swamp once it was good and ready.

@Nameless- oh it gets worse then that my full painting lay takes up over a 1/4 of the room I have dedicated to it.

A test mounting
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Posted: 15 Dec 2008, o 22:49
by Alexander
Wow its gonna be really big ! Wish you much determination on this project :wink: Can't wait to see the progress...

Posted: 15 Dec 2008, o 23:09
by ToMaZ
I like the one on the right best. Don't ask me why though :D

Posted: 21 Dec 2008, o 07:13
by Neolis
Quick pic of the renegade I worked on tonight

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Posted: 29 Dec 2008, o 11:36
by mahon
you know what seems to be wrong? the chipped paint on the shoulder.

you got it right on the weapon - the scratches look believable because the white line is under the scratch and looks as if light was falling onto the edge of chipped paint.
on the shoulder it doesn't look right though - the line is above the chip and so it suggests the light is coming form below. and the model doesn't look as if it was the case.