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Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, o 12:32
by mahon

RE: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, o 12:41
by Nameless
I'd like that dragon bust to be smaller and cheaper...

RE: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, o 13:04
by mahon
and I like the first three... or four...

RE: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 1 Nov 2008, o 00:27
by Skrit
I have a very cool limited edition model done by one of their sculptors. Their range varies from very cool to mwah...

Re: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 11 May 2010, o 22:47
by Corvus
Time to rez this topic :twisted:

Check out these "tube sculpting tools": ... tools.html

price: 40 EUR

Re: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 11 May 2010, o 22:51
by mahon
another thing which is so easy and obvious once you see how it's done...
thanks a lot!

Re: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 12 May 2010, o 06:59
by arctica
so simple but looks so good :)

Re: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 12 May 2010, o 07:43
by Demi_morgana
interesting stuff but no zombies -> nothing for me...

Re: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 12 May 2010, o 08:43
by Nameless
cool idea, good effect. 40€ though?

Re: Masquerade Miniatures

Posted: 9 Aug 2010, o 08:46
by Corvus
One big step for the completion of our "big wolf project" has been achieved now.
Modelling the first wolf, the forewolf, so to say, has been finished now and cast in resin for further conversions.
When those will be accomplished (2 of them will be done by myself, 2 by Stefan) we will be able to offer 5 wolves in different poses for use with your table top army.
Keep an eye on this space for further information and pictures of our progress in this matter.

ImageClick to see full-sized image