Potatoes with beer and bacon
Posted: 9 May 2005, o 11:47
If you and your friends are tired after a day of gaming, here's a simple recipe to rebuild your strength:
Potatoes with beer and bacon
For 4 person,1h.30min cooking time
600gr potatoes
200gr onions
50gr bacon
1/4 lt blonde beer (i suggest pils beer)
200gr liquid milk cream
Peel the onions and potatoes, rinse them and cut them in thin slices.
Cut the bacon in small cubes.
In an owen pan put alternated layers of potatoes and onions in an owen pan with bacon cubes randomly between layers.
Put moderate salt.
Add beer and cream.
Put the pan on the fire and make it boil.
Put the pan in the owen already heaten to 200 °C and cook for approx. 1h.30min or more, the potatoes have to be tender.
Good appetite!
Potatoes with beer and bacon
For 4 person,1h.30min cooking time
600gr potatoes
200gr onions
50gr bacon
1/4 lt blonde beer (i suggest pils beer)
200gr liquid milk cream
Peel the onions and potatoes, rinse them and cut them in thin slices.
Cut the bacon in small cubes.
In an owen pan put alternated layers of potatoes and onions in an owen pan with bacon cubes randomly between layers.
Put moderate salt.
Add beer and cream.
Put the pan on the fire and make it boil.
Put the pan in the owen already heaten to 200 °C and cook for approx. 1h.30min or more, the potatoes have to be tender.
Good appetite!