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Reaper Miniatures

Posted: 5 May 2007, o 11:17
by Nameless

Gargoyle - finally someone sculpted it so that it actually resembles stone
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Pirate - not bad, but I'm bit bored with all those pirates (dead or alive) popping up in every company
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Gnoll - really like John Manor's sculpts
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Druid on a toad - for hardcore players :)
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Klocke's chick - he could sculpt something else from time to time ;)
ImageClick to see full-sized image

54mm vamp hunter
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ImageClick to see full-sized image
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ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Posted: 5 May 2007, o 17:11
most are simply average sculpts but theres some gems in there... like that awesome toad :)

Posted: 6 May 2007, o 09:11
by Darkson
I dont see how their 54mm figs can even compair to other 54mm kits. They just dont have the detail that should be in the 54mm scale. :?

The toad is a fun looking fig. Might be a good break figure to paint.

Posted: 6 May 2007, o 12:17
by Nameless
I also don't think, that their 54mm minis live up to the name of the range - Master Series Miniatures. Still, Monique and cowgirl are lovely models and I really like them.

Posted: 6 May 2007, o 13:33
by Szary
This chick from Klocke looks really interesting...:think:
But for godness sake, he could sometime sculpt different face! Argh...

Posted: 8 May 2007, o 12:34
by Skrit
The Gnoll looks cool but could somebody tell me what a Gnoll is?

The Toadrider is nice as well but I happen to have a special edition from a German Con which is much cooler! I believe it sculpted by Klocke too but not too sure there... If I have the time I'll post pics.

Posted: 8 May 2007, o 12:36
by Nameless
Gnoll is some kind of monster from D&D. Looks bit like were-hyena to me :) Previous reaper gnolls were not that good :)

toadrider is not sculpted by Klocke.

Posted: 8 May 2007, o 12:43
by Skrit
Ah, that explains a lot, thx!:)

Posted: 8 May 2007, o 12:52
by mahon
I don't think gnolls are werebeasts, just humanoids with some hyena features. or at least that's how I remember them from D&D

Posted: 8 May 2007, o 12:56
by Nameless
dunno Mahon, I only played d&d once :P