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Posted: 27 Feb 2009, o 14:45
by Neolis
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Will also include a join the army poster featuring the painted soldier on the kids side and a missing child poster on the soldiers side. Ok back to frantically painting.

Posted: 27 Feb 2009, o 15:34
by arctica
Those are really cool, i do like your attention to detail :D

Posted: 27 Feb 2009, o 16:11
by Nameless
go, Neo, go... :)
are FMJ posters the only connection with the theme?

Posted: 27 Feb 2009, o 16:19
by Demi_morgana
I got full metal jacket dvd last week ^^
very nice work :)

Posted: 27 Feb 2009, o 18:40
by Wraithlord
I love the posters. What a cool idea!

Posted: 27 Feb 2009, o 19:05
by mahon
nice idea but i think the connection to the theme will go beyond that

Posted: 1 Mar 2009, o 08:12
by Neolis
98% done or will be least before deadline. Had to give up doing a lot of things but will go back one day and will fix them.

Mahon is right on what I am thinking on for the theme. I feel the movie is about the death of innocence when confronted with becoming a soldier and with war. I tried to make the kid mini and soldier the same person and different people. Similar colors used between them but in opposite order. The recruitment posters and missing child posters tie them in with time line as the recruitment posters is in the soldiers side but old and torn away. (look hard) along with a newer movie and the yellowing or the tearing of the older posters to show passage of time in the same location.

The soldier sees the missing child and thinks about how he use to be. The kid sees the recruitment poster and see what he will become.

ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Posted: 1 Mar 2009, o 10:38
by Nameless
I love your idea, but I don't think I'd be able to "read" this scene correctly without your explanation. I believe that adding "Jake" (not only the letter J) somewhere on the soldier's armour or gun would make it easier to understand your story.
I'd also place a camera bit lower, to show posters better. They are important part of your work after all.

Posted: 1 Mar 2009, o 13:14
by mahon
i think the idea is pretty clear:

the kid sees posters which may inspire him join the army, there's even a ladder to 'the other side'. when he gets there, the other side is not that great though - the posters are ripped, the writings on the wall are less than encouraging. welcome to the world of adult war...

Posted: 1 Mar 2009, o 13:38
by arctica
Its a cool idea, quite deep. Is the bill and ted poster a theme throughout your entries now? :D hehe but the posters do add alot to the whole theme, great work.