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Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 20 Aug 2012, o 08:51
by Nameless ... gaming-min
Reaper Kickstarter Project - they got 1M $ already. still few days left though to get much more.
Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 20 Aug 2012, o 12:16
by Ariakas
Wasn't interested at first, but considering the amount of minis you now get for 125$ it's crazy!
Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 20 Aug 2012, o 14:14
by MiSiU
Yeah, that's one self-propelling machine now. Still what to do with 180+ plastic miniatures? I'm just considering the biker Sophie...
Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 20 Aug 2012, o 15:16
by Nameless
MiSiU wrote:Still what to do with 180+ plastic miniatures?
sell all you don't need. teach your son how to paint on all that remained.
at least that's what I intend to do

Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 24 Aug 2012, o 09:48
by Nameless
2M$ barrier crossed

Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 25 Aug 2012, o 06:33
by Barton
PEOPLE: the kickstarter has reached 2.5 MILLION dollars.
For $100 you get 224 plastic minis and the metal version of Sohpie.
Only 15 hours to go....
Buy it now or suffer deep regret.
I am going to give some as XMAS gifts to my Champions group and give some away as booth prizes at the next GenCon.
Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 6 Sep 2012, o 11:16
by Nameless
Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 6 Sep 2012, o 14:05
by MiSiU
Nameless wrote:final result at Kickstarter: $3,429,236
Official final result. They sent e-mails that one can add his e-mail to their database to use the Kickstarter prices a bit later ... sts/298782
Oh and I really like the fat succubus. Great idea

Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 6 Sep 2012, o 14:14
by Nameless
MiSiU wrote:the fat succubus.
btw, anyone else sees the smiling lizard head?

Re: Reaper Miniatures
Posted: 7 Sep 2012, o 05:49
by Barton
Liked the photographer a lot, pulpy goodness....